4 Plants That You Should Have In Your Bedroom to Sleep Well

Reports suggest that the number of people that have sleeping disorder such as insomnia, nightmares, apnea and sleep disturbance is rapidly increasing in the US. Most probably from all of these disorders the apnea is most dangerous.

Apnea occurs when the breathing is interrupted during the sleep, and if you don’t treat this disorder you might put your life at risk. If you have apnea it means during the sleep you might interrupt the oxygen flow in the brain and the body, and this is really dangerous situation that needs to be addressed. Science knows two types of apnea:

1. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) which causes the blockage of the airway path. More specifically it is caused as results of collapse of the back throat soft tissue which blocks the air.

2. The central sleep apnea occurs when the brain is not giving signals to muscles to contract (breathe) due to the instability in the center of the respiratory control.
This disorder can occur at any age and can affect any person. Some of the main causes and risk factor for development of this disorder are gastro-esophageal reflux, genetics, long neck, obesity, being male, sinus problems, allergies, deviated septum, and being over 40.

In fact there is a natural remedy that you can use to treat this sleeping disorder. You will need to plant some of these plants in your bedroom and the results will amaze you.

Snake plant

This plant is great for producing oxygen during night so it will help you supply the room with enough oxygen. Also it will help you ease the breathing while you sleep.


You can use lavender for relieving anxiety and stress because it contains great properties that contribute to this. Also it can help you reduce the heart rate and provide calmness which is great for good rest and sleep.

Aloe Vera

This is most probably the best plant which produces the highest amount of oxygen during night. It is great to have it in your bedroom because it will supply great amount of oxygen. The oxygen produced will provide you great sleep during the night.

English ivy

Growing English ivy is probably the easiest thing to do. This plant is great for improving the quality of the air and it will absorb all toxins in the air. Also it produces great amount of oxygen that will ease your breathing.

source http://www.naturalhealthyteam.com

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