How to Use Essential Oil for Treating Warts Naturally

Many people deal with warts and they are not able to discover an answer for that problem. Warts are actually those raised bumps that appear on our skin as a result of the human papillomavirus. Typically they are apt to extending. In case that their number increases, it is time for their elimination.

We will show you how to eliminate the warts using essential oils.

First Recipe:

Combine ten drops of lemongrass oil and one teaspoon of preferred carrier oil. The mixture should be poured in a bottle and left during the night. The following morning, apply the remedy directly on the warts using a cotton ball. Go over the procedure two times a day until the warts vanish.

Second Recipe:

Needed Ingredients:
– Twenty drops oregano oil
– Twenty drops tea tree oil
– Twenty drops frankincense oil
– Twenty drops Medieval Mix
– Apple cider vinegar
– Coconut oil

How to make the recipe:

Combine all oils in a two oz glass dropper bottle. Continue by pouring some apple cider vinegar and fill the rest of the bottle with the coconut oil.
Using a cotton swab, put three drops of the combination right on the warts. Repeat the procedure each night before you go to sleep.

Third Recipe:

Needed Ingredients:
– three drops lemongrass oil
– three drops tea tree oil
– three drops clove oil
– three drops thyme oil
– one tbsp jojoba oil as a carrier

How to make the recipe:
Combine the all the constituents mutually and apply the cure to the warts two times a day. Cover the place with a bandage after you apply the mixture.

Fourth Recipe:

Needed Ingredients:
– four drops lemongrass oil
– two drops Manuka oil
– two drops eucalyptus oil
– one tbsp of jojoba oil

How to make the recipe:
Combine all ingredients and put two drops of the mixture on the warts, 3 times during day. Go over the procedure until warts are gone.


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