Back Pain After Getting Out Of Bed in the Morning

First check out your mattress because a firm mattress is a better choice at all times since it gives a better support to the back. Stay away from sleeping on your stomach or twisted. It is better to sleep on your back or simply put pillows on the side to avoid uncomfortable positions. Test out your BMI since higher weight gives extra stress to your spine. Make test for arthritis, quit on smoking and using drugs in case it is doable because all those things are bad for bone health.
In case you wake up with lower back pain in the morning, there are some issues that need to be looked into.

Reasons Of Feeling Lower Back Pain In The Morning

Check out your Mattress
Initially check out your mattress to make sure it providing you the adequate support. When it comes to back pain, firm mattress is generally a better since it gives sufficient support to the back.

Positions of Sleeping
The positions of sleeping are evidently related to back pain seeing that it could be an important factor for it. There are some things we could do to decrease the likelihood for that and working on this matter can be of some help. The sleeping position that usually causes back pain is sleeping with your face down. Placing pillows could keep you in a comfy position and assists you to stay in that position. For example, placing bigger body pillow “in the way,” makes to be harder to roll into a bad position and could be really efficient for some people.

Being Overweight
Too much weight stresses the spine. To check out if you should decrease your weight, use the BMI healthy weight calculator.

Back pain in the morning could appear because of tissue damage in the back triggered by smoking. Here is also the fact that persons who smoke have a tendency to have unhealthier lifestyles compared to persons that don’t smoke.

Lasting use of drugs is proved to make the bones weaker. Using drugs like corticosteroids might be the cause of your back pain.

Joint pain (as well as in the back) while you are walking and stiffness to start with in the morning are signs of arthritis. In case that the pain and stiffness last more than 30 minutes after waking up, or look like they begin when you finish the rest after exercise, are issues have to be told to your general physician.


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