Best Ways to Get Pregnant With Twins Naturally

One of the biggest assets of every woman is their babies. Being pregnant after your marriage is one of the best and overwhelming feelings knowing that you are going to become a parent and have the parental role.

It is even better feeling knowing that you are going to have twins! Giving birth to a child is definitely one of the best feeling and what every women is craving for. The feeling is incomparable to anything else.

Conceiving twins on completely natural way is really unpredictable, but if you undergo medical treatment of IVF IUI the chances are greater. This article will present to you the natural way on increasing the chances of having twins.

This is the natural way and formation of twins:

Twins are fraternal and are conceived by two eggs that are released by ovulation. Actually they develop from separate eggs. In case of conceiving identical twins (which is rare) they are conceived by only one egg that separates during the early pregnancy.

Here is how to increase the chances of conceiving twins:

In fact the chances of conceiving twins can be increased by certain things, but in most cases it might not depend on you and you might not be able to control it. Having history in your family where your grandparents conceived twins increase your chances as well. This falls into the category of certain things that favors you.

On the other hand, your ethnicity and age can also affect the chances of conceiving twins. For instance, African American women have greater chances of conceiving twins in comparison to Caucasian women. Also Asian women have really low chances of conceiving twins. Older women in general have increased chances of conceiving twins.

As we already mentioned, some factors might go in favor naturally, but some other facts might be in control of ourselves. One research study revealed that women with BMI (Body Mass Index) of more than 30 have greater chances of conceiving twins compared to those with lower BMI.

1. Those women that are older are more likely to conceive twins, but the problem is that these women have higher rate of miscarriage.

2. Every woman should increase the intake of diary product if they want to increase their chances of conceiving twins. This theory actually originates from Africa. There is small town in Nigeria which has one of the highest rates of twins in the world. In this place there is a chemical in wild yams which stimulates the production of ovaries which results with release of more eggs during ovulation

3. In order to increase the chances of conceiving twins, women should continue breastfeeding. Those women that breastfeed while they conceive the chances are increased for twins.

4. You should try to conceive right after you stop with birth control pills. Woman that uses the pill for more than six months the pill actually acts as control of the hormone. Once the use stops the production of hormones is regulated by the body itself. This might lead to overstimulation of hormones and might lead to release of ovaries.


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