You Better Read This In Case You Drink Coffee In The Morning On An Empty Stomach!

Drinking coffee in the morning is an inevitable routine for many people. Some of us consume it as a way to wake ourselves up and start the working day or we consume it to relax into weekend mood… Besides being a mood improver, the coffee also shows many health benefits for the human body, but we have to be aware that in case that we drink it on an empty stomach coffee could trigger some serious health problems.

Firstly, you have to be aware that by consuming a cup of black coffee on an empty stomach early in the morning, the quantity of hydrochloric acid that are inside your digestive tract will increase. In case that you already suffer from gastritis, then you have most likely felt this.
Taking a cup of black coffee on an empty stomach raises the amount of hydrochloric acid in the digestive tract and this might be very unpleasant as it triggers digestive problems because of the fact that it makes the digestion of proteins very hard. In case the protein is not completely taken in or broken down, it triggers digestive problems for instance irritation, bloating, inflammation of the bowel, and even colon cancer.

This is one of the main reasons why many health experts advise that you are not supposed to consume coffee in the morning, on empty stomach, just after you wake up. Another important reason is that coffee would raise the levels of cortisol and the body requires a long time to settle them to its regular state. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for controlling our biological clock and the capability to stay awake. You also need to be informed that the intake on an empty stomach shall raise the acid levels in the stomach and that might cause bloating and vomiting.

Those explanations are more than enough for you to start thinking about breaking this bad habit of drinking coffee on empty stomach. In case that you are not a person that loves to take breakfast, in any case ensure to make your morning coffee stronger by adding some butter or milk in it because that way it the harmful effects will be reduced.

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