The DIY detox bath – Have a home spa day and soak away aches, pains, harmful toxins, pesticides and heavy metals

Fortunately, there are lots ways how to detox heavy metals, pesticides and other harmful chemicals from your body. Lately, people have turn out to be more conscious of the advantages given by detox treatments. On the same way as your car asks for oil change our bodies ask for relief from the toxic loudening as well.

Although they excrete waste material on a daily basis, yet there are some remains that could hurt the organism.

Our bodies are not capable of absorbing all the nutrients. Consequently they are converted into toxins. Toxic buildups are responsible for headache, fatigue and chronic disease. That’s why it is so important to detox your body often.

The DIY detox bath

For making the bath you need the following ingredients:
– Handful of Epsom salts
– Half cup of Baking soda
– Ten drops of Essential oil

Essential oil recommendations:
– Peppermint (takes care of fatigue)
– Cedar wood (helpful for treating depression)
– Chamomile and rosemary (eliminated headaches)
– Lavender (soothing and relaxing effect)
– Grapefruit (inspiring)

1. Before your take a bath, add the ingredients in the water.
2. Stay in the bath for about 20 minutes. Leave your body to detox, sweat and soak in the ingredients.
3. After 20 minutes soaking, rinse well. It is recommended to use cold water.
4. To get best result, consume a lot of water before and after the bath.


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