Doctors Have no Explanation for this: Boil Cinnamon and Honey and Treat Arthritis, Cancer, Cholesterol, Colds, Flu, and 10 Other Diseases

One of the best and healthiest food in the world is honey. This is due to the extremely high amount of vitamins and minerals it contains. In fact, there are different types of honey which contain different amount of vitamins and minerals. All this depend on the type of flowers which are used for agriculture.

Honey also contain great health benefits due to the antibacterial and antifungal properties it contains. Due to these properties it is widely used as natural antiseptic remedy. On the other hand it contains nutraceuticals which are great and highly efficient against free radicals.

The range of treatments with honey is available with honey is great, but when mixed with cinnamon you will get one of the best one. Cinnamon is considered as great ingredient for losing weight and improvement of sleep.

Mixing honey and cinnamon can help you reduce the level of cholesterol and blood sugar. Also it is great for preventing and treatment of viruses.

Here are some of the conditions that you can treat with this mixture:

1. Cholesterol:
Consuming this mixture will results with lower cholesterol level in only two hours. You will manage to reduce at least 10% within these two hours. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of cinnamon in a cup of tea. Consume this mixture on regular daily basis for best results

2. Arthritis:
In order to treat arthritis you will need to mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon in glass of water. Besides the benefits for treatment of arthritis, regular consumption of this mixture can also help you prevent cancer.

3. Boosting immunity
Consume this mixture on daily basis in order to boost your immunity and protect your body from bacteria and viruses

4. Prevent colds and flu
This mixture is great for preventing and treatment of cold, flu, coughs, and sinus obstruction. You will need to mix ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of honey. Consume this mixture three days in a row for best results.

5. Heart diseases
Use this mixture on a slice of bread and consume it as your breakfast. This way you will manage to lower the cholesterol level in the arteries and prevent heart attacks.

6. Infection of the gallbladder
You will need to mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of cinnamon in glass of warm water. Drink this mixture on daily basis in order remove bacteria from your gallbladder.


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