I Did Everything to Eliminate the Fungus of Nails, But It Always Failed, Until I Tried This

Apple cider vinegar a very strong antibacterial agent that will help you eliminate fungi in an unbelievable way. Many times the treatments that guarantee elimination of the fungus of the nails don’t give positive results.

Actually the nails are continually bared to numerous polluting agents that are not always easy to get rid of. And since fungi ask for alkaline surroundings to reproduce, the acidity of apple cider vinegar decreases the chances of the fungus to live on. It makes an unfavorable climate for it to extend.

In case you mix apple vinegar with baking soda you get a combination that can eliminate fungi. This combination also prevents them from appearing once more.

Needed Ingredients:

– one cup apple cider vinegar
– five tbsp-s tablespoons of baking soda
– Water

How to prepare it:

Get a bowl that is wide enough to insert the feet. Put the water and add the cup of vinegar. Leave the feet in this mix for about 15 to 20 minutes and then dry them.
Put the feet in the bowl with water and vinegar once again but this time join the baking soda.

source http://homeremedieshouse.com

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