Flat Stomach for a Day? Yes, it is Possible, Just Give a Try to This Amazing Diet

Stop bloating with this efficient diet in just 24 hours and make your stomach flat in the most helpful natural way with no side effects.
As a matter of fact, this isn’t a diet that will reduce your weight drastically but it will efficiently ease bloating in persons who frequently have this sort of stomach discomfort, above all in those with normal weight but gassy stomach.
You should begin the day by drinking a glass of lemon water mixed with chopped parsley.
The menu for the rest of the day is the following:
– Oatmeal and 1 cup of berries, or
– 2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 cup of berries.

Snack 1
– A cup of nuts and 1 orange, or
– Celery stalks and 2 tsp peanut butter.

– 1 bowl of diverse salad consisted of:
• green salad,
• 1 cucumber,
• 2 tomatoes,
• 2 grated carrots,
• 1 avocado,
• a hard-boiled egg,
• 1 tsp of mixed nuts,
• Pumpkin or sunflower seed,
• olive oil,
• lemon.

Snack 2
– 200 gr of Greek yoghurt with a little cinnamon, or
– A cup of chopped fresh cucumber (unpeeled) with 2 tbsp. of sour cream.

– Grilled salmon, creamed spinach with olive oil, garlic and roasted vegetables

You could stick to this diet plan for 3 days in a row.

source http://www.healthyfoodstyle.com

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