Why Do We Get Fungus and Can We Prevent It?

First, let’s explain this widespread skin condition that could happen to people of all ages, as well as kids. Actually, fungus is something that can’t be avoided because since fungus exist almost everywhere.
One type fungus is the beneficial ones that live on the skin naturally and we aren’t aware of them but the problem appears when those fungi reproduce, increasing their number without a control which trigger appearance of different conditions including athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch or yeast infections. Those conditions are far from being dangerous for life but they can surely be unpleasant or even embarrassing.
The factors for getting skin fungus are different but the most often reason is related to sharing personal hygiene items and clothes with a person that is previously infected.
Risk groups of people:
– Individuals who are prone to excessive sweating, because fungus develops in moist places
– Individuals whose immune system is weakened
– Individuals that work close together with Individuals that are at higher risk of being infected including doctors, nurses, students et cetera.
– Individuals that have used antibiotics or immunosuppressants for a long time
– Individuals or kids who without a bladder control

When it comes to the most critical parts of the body that usually get affected by fungus, armpits, toes and feet, genital area and places where skin folds, are the most critical by reason that fungus depends on moisture to multiply and prosper.
Direct contact with a person that has been infected by fungus is one of the ways to get this skin condition. That means that we have to be always very careful when we use public swimming pools and locker rooms and to stay away from using objects like combs or towel in those places.
Always wear natural fabrics like cotton and linen since synthetic materials create excellent breeding grounds for fungi, as well, so you should be very careful when choosing your underwear. Another important issue is keeping your skin clean and dry during the day, above all the skin under your breasts and your toes too, mainly in case you spend a long time in footwear.

Another risk factor for getting fungi is a weakened immune system. It is recommended to have a healthy and balanced nutrition that includes a lot of fruits and vegetables but also natural probiotics, for example yogurt, that are able to make your immune system better on the whole. Since fungi thrive for sugar, it is very important to reduce carbohydrates intake and intensify protein and healthy fat intake. Good quality sleep and staying hydrated will help you improve your immune system as well.
In case that you are already infected with fungus, prevent spreading the infection further by avoiding scratching the affected area and also maintain proper hygiene continuously. Keeping the skin clean and dry, speeds up the recovery process. You should also use just clean towels for cleaning your skin and obligatory wash them on a hot cycle afterwards.

Being informed about different kinds of fungal infections is crucial as well. Those infections many times show different signs depending on the place where they appear as athlete’s foot affects the toes and the skin among causing itchy red skin and from time to time it could affect the soles of the feet too.
Jock itch shows up at the groin area, mostly in teenagers and grownup males who play sports and spend plenty of time in locker rooms. Jock itch manifests by red peeling scrapes on the skin that feels tender.

The condition that looks like a tiny lifted red area similar to a small blemish is known as ringworm infection. It is itchy and turns into blistering very fast, affecting various parts of the body excluding the scalp, feet and groins.
There could be found many over-the-counter ointments and powders that are able to treat fungal infections successfully. Even though they are not that serious, these skin conditions are able to influence the quality of your life. That’s why it is suggested take an advice from a doctor before you begin a treatment on your own. This is very significant in case that you have a weak immune system or diabetes.

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