How to Get Rid Of the Folds On Your Back And Sides in 21 days

Accumulation of fat in the body usually is on very specific areas which might vary from one body to another depending on the anatomy.

In fact, the area where fat accumulates is directly associated with specific health risk. For example, there is scientific prove that the abdominal fat is related to cardiovascular diseases and cancer, whereas accumulation of fat in the thighs and hips might be beneficial for nursing women.

Due to these facts it is important to try to tone your body and burn fat. In order to do so you will need to use the right ingredients. Also choosing the right ingredients can help you prevent injuries, back pain, and improve posture. According to specialists, strength exercises are more effective in burning fat than cardio.

Strengthening exercises:

We are going to present to you the best exercises that will help you get rid of back fat. This exercise plan will take you less than 12 minutes per day, and for best results you should exercise at least three times per week.

1. Touch and push

This exercise will help you strengthen the chest, shoulders, and upper back.
You will need to put your arms by the sides with your palms facing forward. Now you need to raise the arms in the level of shoulders and hold it for few seconds. Next you need to raise the arms over the heat with your palms facing backwards. Afterwards, return to the second position and hold for few more seconds. Finally, return to the starting position. You will need to do 3 sets with 6-8 repetions.

2. Circular row – bent over

This exercise will help you strengthen your chest, biceps, mid-back, and upper back.
You will need to bend your knees and make sure that your abs is engaged. Now you need to bend your body forwards but make sure that the upper body part remains parallel to the floor. Your hands need to be extended towards the floor. Next you will need to do circles with your arms from right towards the chest, and down. You should do 3 sets with 10-12 repetitions.

3. Crisscross reverse fly

This exercise will help you strengthen your shoulders and upper back.
You will need to slightly bend the knees and lean the torso forward (you should get into 45 degrees angle). Now you need to cross the arms in front of the knees, and lift them to the shoulder level. Next, return to starting position and to the same with the opposite hands cross. Do 3 sets and repeat 10-12.

4. Elbow kiss

This exercise will help you strengthen your chest and shoulders.
You will need to lift the arms to shoulder level and turn the palms towards the floor. Now bend the elbow 90 degrees and hold the arms together in front of the chest. Next you need to return to the starting position. You should do 3 sets and 10-12 repetitions.


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