Improve the Health of Your Kidneys on a Natural Way, Using Just One Special Ingredient

Enzymes and hormones which are products of the endocrine system help food to be melted in our body. On the other hand, sodium bicarbonate is created by the kidneys and pancreas in order to aid the body to melt and utilize the food we take in. Actually the larger part of sodium is formed by the pancreas, which keeps out kidneys safe from harm.

In case that your regime of eating stresses these two organs in excess amount ( that would include a diet loaded in sugars, fried fatty foods and similar harmful choices) , the kidneys and pancreas could easily turned out to be tired and could begin to develop a smaller amount of sodium bicarbonate. As a matter of fact, kidney disease patients generally have low bicarbonate levels, which results with a medical condition known as metabolic acidosis. If there is not enough sodium bicarbonate, the acids in the body can’t be neutralized which leads to damaging consequences on the kidneys including other organs too.

However, back in 2009, a group of British scientists at the Royal Hospital in London detected study that bicarbonate decreases the development of kidney disease (1).
“A simple remedy like sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), when used appropriately, can be very effective.” – explains Magdi Yaqoob, professor of nephrology and academic director of department of Renal Medicine and Transplantation at the Bartshealth NHS Trust, UK.


The first day melt a small amount of baking soda under the tongue.
After that, melt 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 tsp of high-quality salt into 1.5 l. of water and take the mixing on a daily basis for two to three days.
Afterward, the daily dosage should be decreased to 1/4 tsp baking soda and 1/3 tsp salt (2)

Have in mind that daily sodium bicarbonate consumption is not for everybody. Most of the times it is administered in powder form together with water and might be really hard to ingest it for persons with sensitive stomach or persons who are easily apt to nausea.
Luckily, sodium bicarbonate is not toxic, so any person, who could accept the taste and can beat the first start of nausea, is able to take it every day in order to stop kidney disease and degeneration of the endocrine system.

Notice: In order to make a complete picture of the positive effects of using sodium bicarbonate on daily basis, there are still some additional tests that need to be done.
Still, for those who suffer the results of unhealthy lifestyle or a fat and sugar rich diet, and who want to repair the harm caused by all of this, home baking soda could be the wonder you’ve been searching for.

You also have to keep away from all items that dehydrate your body, like salt, tea, foods and drinks that are full of crystalline sugar, coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.
Don’t take more than the daily suggested amount of protein, because too much protein intake could pressure your kidneys, causing more harm.
Consume foods that are rich in vitamin B complex because they are known to help in protein elimination from the body. Additionally, you have to eat lots of fruits, grains and vegetables.


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