Jin Shin Jyutsu Finger Method– Rub a Certain Finger for 60 Seconds And See What Will Happen to Your Body

People from the Asia have been practicing alternative healing techniques such as acupuncture, reflexology and massage therapies. These techniques have been used for centuries in order to treat trauma, pain, stress and many other different types of illnesses.

Lately these techniques are becoming more and more popular in Europe and America.

One of the oldest oriental systems of balancing life energy and bodily functions is Jin Shin Jyustu. This technique is considered to be the best for treatment of back and neck pain, depression, anxiety, sciatica and PTSD. The technique is actually involving pulling or pressing the fingers on the hands.

The first one to apply this technique in the US was Mary Burmeister, back in 1950s. She learned this technique from Jiro Murai who was specialist in this.
The video that we are presenting to you will help you reveal how to perform this technique. You have to pay attention to every detail if you want to have the best results.
This technique can be used by everyone, including children. It will take you only one minute.

Use this technique to get rid of anxiety, negative emotions, grief, anger, fear and depression.

Here is the video:

source http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com

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