Just take one tablespoon of this and you will empty your bowel in only two minutes!

“You Are What You Eat” is probably the most important phrase when it comes to healthy living and we are all aware what this phrase means. Also we should know that the digestive tract is really complex mechanism and the digestion is a very complex process too.

The human body is not able to get the essential nutrients from the food and the health in general could be consequently worsened in case it is impaired.
Toxic substances and waste build up in our body are reason for a lot of health issues, coming from negatively affected process of digestion. That is why it is very significant to make cleaning of the entire body no less than 2 times a year and to eat healthy foods. This way, we could put off lots not needed issues and at the same time put off buildup of waste and toxins in our body.

At the moment we will introduce you an incredible detox remedy that will empty your bowels in only 2 min.

– 5 cups of boiling water
– 150 g of plums
– 150 g of dates

Instructions of preparing the recipe:
You should start by boiling the water in a pot and what time it gets to the point of boiling, put in the dates and plums. Leave it to boil for 15 min and after that take it away from the heat and leave it to cool down.

Take a tbsp of this mix in the morning, before you have your breakfast. This strong mix would make better the process of digestion, aid you dispose of lots digestive problems for instance constipation, take away the toxic substances from the body and recover your health on the whole.

We recommend you not to waste your time! Simply try out this recipe and experience the change in your body! You will be amazed by the outcomes!

source http://www.healthylifeidea.com

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