Learn how to prepare homemade toxic free shampoo

Did you know that most of the shampoos contain hazardous chemicals which could be extremely dangerous for your health?
One study that was conducted by the Center for Environmental Health which is based in California, found that 98 shampoos and soaps contains cocamide diethanolamine.

This harsh chemical is carcinogenic and dangerous for your health.

There are plenty of famous companies that sell these products which contain this dangerous chemical. Some lab tests have found that this chemical is also present in children’s products. In fact, in order to have serious health problems you will need to be directly exposed to this chemical. Therefore, in order to avoid any exposure (even though it might not cause health problems for you) we are going to present to you a recipe for homemade natural shampoo.

1. Coconut milk – ½ cup
2. Castile soap – 2/3 cup
3. Essential oil (your choice) – 10-15 drops
4. Almond oil or olive oil – 2 teaspoons

You will need to mix all ingredients together (preferably in a bottle) and use it as a replacement of your regular shampoo. You will be amazed by the results and the new shine look of your hair. Enjoy!

source http://www.organicandhealthy.org

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