How to Make a Powerful Red Clover Healing Tea

Red clover tea is incredible for treatment of different ailments. This herb contains great amount of healing, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Also it tastes awesome and it helps improve overall health.

You can use red clover tea for treatment of respiratory system congestion, coughs, and asthma, but also it helps detoxify your body. Regular use of it can help you clean the lymphatic system as well. It is recommended for people with rheumatism and gout, as well as people with diabetes.

This tea is able to treat all these health issues due to the exceptional antimicrobial properties it contains. Coughs are tackled by the anti-spasmodic it contains which doesn’t allow them to return. Also it fights whooping cough, cold and bronchitis. If you use this tea for gargling you can relieve your sore throat.

Sage is also great for relieving coughs and excess mucus. It can relieve your sore throat due to the antibacterial properties it contains, as well as treating fever.
Thyme is the last infusion in this remedy. It is great active compound which helps you treat bronchitis, cough and prevents mucus production. Also it can fight serious infections, and improves the bronchial passage. If you add honey to this remedy you will manage to immediately get rid of sore throat, and lemon and ginger will be also great addition to it.

Here is the recipe for the red clover tea:

1. Dry clover flowers – 1 tablespoon
2. Dry thyme – 1 teaspoon
3. Dry sage – 1 teaspoon
4. Slice of ginger
5. Honey
6. Lemon
7. Boiling water – 2 cups


You will need to simmer all ingredients (leave out the lemon and honey) in two cups of boiled water. Leave it for couple of minutes and strain the mixture. Add the remaining lemon and honey, and leave it to cool for few minutes. Consume this mixture 4 times during the day. Each serving should be ½ cup.

Here are some of the other health benefits of red clover tea:

Research studies found that red clover contains plant-based chemical which is mimicking the estrogen effect in the body. Also their research confirmed that red clover tea can treat numerous conditions which are related to menopause.

Even though there is no conclusive evidence that this remedy reduces hot flashes, there are reports from women that claim it helped them reduce these flushes. You can find red clover in different forms, such as dried herb, tincture, capsules, and extract.

Use of red clover for treatment of acne

Regular use of red clover can help you balance the hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Also it is great for treatment of acne for teenagers during their puberty. Women can use it for relieving symptoms of menopause or menstruation.

Improve your kidney

Proper function of kidneys is important because they are responsible for detoxifying your body. They are removing all toxins and waste from the body in order not to develop any unwanted conditions. Using red clover can help you stimulate the detoxification process due to the diuretic properties.

Red clover detoxifies your blood

Consuming red clover can detoxify your blood which is great for preventing and treating rashes and eczema. Also it is great for removing heavy metals from your body, as well as chemical toxins such as those found in drugs.

Here are some precautions in regards to the red clover:

If you have any of the following health conditions you should avoid using red clover:

1. Pregnant women should avoid the use of red clover due to the possibility of mimicking the effect of estrogen. In fact, red clover is not as strong as estrogen pills, but still for precaution it is not recommended for use. Also do not consume red clover with estrogen pills.
2. People with ovarian and breast cancer should avoid consuming red clover
3. Don’t consume red clover if you take birth control pills because it might lower the effectiveness of the pills.
4. Be aware that red clover might interact with red clover, check with your specialist before consuming it.


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