You Might Consider Drinking Fruit Juice After You Read This

Woman reported that she noticed mold-green slime that comes up from the straw of her juice box, and as a result of that she opened it immediately. She noticed that the slime was all over the edges, but in fact this was not something new because it can happen once the box has tiny hole where the juice is supposed to come out.

Thus, air comes in and the juice might not even come out, and this leads to sugar and juice fermentation which turn into alcohol. In fact this is not dangerous, but still it can affect your stomach or simply people might feel grossed out.

This lady was advised to throw this drink because the juice has already fermented and it is full of calories and sugars which are considered as gateway drug since natural opiates are released from it. This opiate can actually be formed as a result of containing high amounts of fats and salt in the foods. Due to this reason people binge junk foods. Such fruit juice can also cause diarrhea, tooth decay and flatulence.

The American Academy of Pediatrics revealed that children under six should avoid using juice or if consumed it should be in small amounts. Their recommendation for consumption of fruit juices for children aged 1-6 years old is 4-6 oz per day, children aged 7-18 years old should consume 8-12 oz per day.

They came to this conclusion because children can consume the needed vitamins through many other different types of foods which are rich with fibers and other nutrients. Also keeping your juice in a bottle or cup is definitely not healthy, especially if the juice you use is not pasteurized. Many people consider juices healthier than soda, and this is correct, but still you need to keep children away from its as often you can.


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