Remove Every Poison from the Body in Just 2 Days with a Detox Plan for the Weekend

Toxins in your body could cause health issues such as being prone to flu, viruses and infections. It is necessary to get rid of these toxins in order your body to remain healthy and full of energy.

Also you have to make sure that you detoxify your body in order to remain healthy and avoid unwanted health conditions.

We are going to present to you the best detox plan which lasts one week. If you use this detox plan you will manage to gain plenty of health benefits as well as clean your liver, lungs, lymph, intestines and kidneys.

The detox plan contains low fat food and potatoes, lots of fluids and meat, so you don’t have to worry for getting out of your daily routine of diet. It is recommended to do this detox plan twice per year, if you do the full 10 days plan. However, you can do it couple of times during the weekend, and it is up to you to find the most convenient plan. We are going to present to you the weekend plan.

In order to have the best results it is recommended to exercise regularly, but also involve birch, nettle and dandelion tea as part of the detox plan.

Here is the detox weekend plan and what you need:

It is important to drink 250 ml of water right after you wake up in the morning.


– Breakfast: 1 cup of oat flakes, 1 tablespoon of linseed, yogurt 250ml (preferably Greek yogurt) or green tea, ½ cup of blueberries, 200ml of almond milk
– Lunch: 250ml of water, 2 cups of salad (preferably mixed with tomato, green vegetables and arugula), 250g grilled hake fish, olive oil on top of potato, Swiss chard, banana and one slice of melon
– Snack: 250ml of water, one apple, ¼ cup of pumpkin seeds, and 180ml yogurt
– Dinner: 250ml of water (you can drink instead anise tea), two cups of salad, lemon juice, integral pastry, tuna (preferably grilled) 150g, steamed veggies ½ a cup (mixed spinach and broccoli).


– Breakfast: oat flakes (1 cup), tablespoon of linseed, almond milk 200ml, green tea and pear
– Snack: 1 cup of grapefruit
– Lunch: 250ml of water, veggie soup, grilled chicken 200g, and 150g of pickles
– Dinner: integral pastry, beet, nettle tea, and lemon juice


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