This Slimming Cocktail Made from Lemon is a True Miracle to Lose Weight Healthily …

To stay healthy it is important to have a healthy diet as well as regular physical activity. However in the following of this article you will discover lemonade that will help you lose weight much faster.

Lemon is renowned for being an ally of slimming program. It promotes the elimination of fat as well as toxins accumulated in the body. Moreover, the lemon is ideal for the liver, as well as it improves the digestive system.

It is necessary to consume 4 glasses of this slimming lemonade during the first 24 hours making sure to have 6 meals a day of which three main ones. After detoxifying your body during these 24 hours it will be necessary to carry out a regime of 7 days.

Detoxifying lemonade

Use the following ingredients:

  • 300 ml of filtered water
  • A pinch of Cayenne pepper
  • 2 teaspoons of maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice

Preparation and consumption

Simply boil the water and add the other ingredients before letting it infuse for a few seconds.

Here is the program you must follow during these 24 hours:

  • Drink a glass of lemonade on an empty stomach
  • Breakfast: a handful of raw almonds, a fruit salad (apples, strawberries, pears, blueberries, etc) and a natural yoghurt.
  • Snack 1: a glass of lemonade, 35 g of squash or sunflower seeds and a banana.
  • Lunch: a leguminous salad seasoned with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a little lemon juice
  • Snack 2: one glass of lemonade and 35 g of dried nuts or raw vegetables
  • Dinner: a baked fish filet accompanied by steamed vegetables and seasoned with lemon juice
  • Snack 3: a glass of lemonade

The program to follow during the 7 days:

During the 7 days it is important to do 30 minutes of sport on a daily basis, to consume lemonade on awakening, to consume protein at each meal as well as 5 fruits and vegetables per day and to favor grain cereals and avoid white flour.

Here is an example of a day that you can follow during the 7 days:

  • Consume a glass of lemonade on an empty stomach
  • Breakfast: a bowl of whole grain cereals with seeds, fruits and vegetable milk
  • Snack 1: one glass of soy milk and 35 g of nuts
  • Lunch: one serving of lean protein (white meat or fish fillet), a tomato, salad or cucumber, and yogurt
  • Snack 2: a handful of sunflower seeds and a peach
  • Dinner: whole rice (or whole pasta) accompanied by a serving of protein and vegetables. For dessert, a small fruit compote.

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