Almonds are found to be the most nutritious and beneficiary for your health and body. They are the type of nuts that you have to include in your everyday diet if you want to stay healthy. Study found that almonds are rich with lots of nutrients such as proteins, vitamin E, selenium, copper, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, zinc and many more.

The best way to use almonds is to put them in water and leave them overnight before you consume them. Putting almonds overnight into water you will make sure to get rid of all toxic materials found in the coating of the nut, but also it helps the process of decomposition of gluten content and release of Phytic acid. This way you will get the most of the almond that is extremely beneficial for your body health.

This is how you should soak almonds:
You need ½ cup of almonds, water and a bowl. Put the almonds in the bowl, cover them with 2 cups of water and leave them overnight. In the morning drain the almonds, put them in plastic bags or jars and keep the refrigerated for up to a week.

These are the health benefits of soaked almonds:

1. Improves your memory
It is known that soaked almonds are drastically improving your memory and in order to get your memory boost soak 10 almonds in water and leave them overnight. In the morning remove the almonds from water and remove their skin. Mix the pealed almonds with one spoon of butter and pinch of candy sugar. Consume this for at least two months and feel the memory boost.

2. Reduces level of cholesterol
Since almonds are rich with vitamin E and mono unsaturated fatty acids it is beneficiary for your health and it reduces your bad cholesterol, whereas it increases your good cholesterol.

3. Prevents cancer
Soaked almonds are also rich with vitamin B17, vitamin E and flavonoids which are found to act as prevention against prostate and breast cancer.

4. Improves Health for Pregnant Women
It is found that folic acids are also main property of soaked almonds and this way it reduces chances of any defects of newborns.

5. Weight Loss
Because soaked almonds contain monounsaturated fats it helps you to reduce your appetite and therefore increase the process of burning fat. This is the main reason why many nutritionists recommend consuming almond while you are in the process of losing weight.

6. Slows Down Aging
Due to its vitamin E content and antioxidant property, almonds are removing all harmful properties that cause aging.

7. Helps to get rid of Cough
Coughs can be extremely irritating and in order to overcome the problem with persistent cough you should use soaked almonds which will help you expel the mucus. You should use at least five soaked almonds (with removed skin) per day in order to get rid of the cough.


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