Soothe Your Vocal Cords and Sore Throats with These Natural Cures

As said by Medical Daily, voice cracking is usually a sign of vocal cord strain that might be triggered by too much yelling, singing, or illness. Stress or nervousness including the consequential tension of the larynx could additionally be the reason for this issue.

According to Dr. Oz, one of the most frequent reasons of voice- and throat-associated issues is acid reflux or heart burn. At what time stomach acid refluxes go by the esophagus and into the throat, it might trigger a burning feeling and be a reason for swelling in the throat. Quitting smoking and reducing caffeine, chocolate, and alcohol from your diet would be one of the first steps for self-help in this condition, as said by Dr. Oz.

Some natural cures for treating voice cracking and related throat issues:

– Elevator slides. This is a vocal exercise from Singer’s Secret. It is suggested to make the sound “eeeeee” starting from a low to a high tone and going back down. After that, repeat the exercise again but this time making an “aaaah” sound.

– Tablespoon of honey. According to YogaWiz, raw honey could act calming for the throat, at the same time making an anti-microbial layer. This cure is exceptionally efficient in case you think that your voice cracking comes from laryngitis, a frequent illness in singers.

– Steam. Taking a hot shower with steam or filling a bowl with hot water and positioning your head over the vapors is recommended by Mother Nature Network. Using a humidifier in your home is another great option because some additional moisture could aid you maintain the vocal cords moisturized.

– Gargle with salt water. Prepare mixture with one-half teaspoon salt and warm but not hot water. This mixture is really beneficial for strained vocal cords, as recommended by Mother Nature Network.

– Suck on ginger. Ginger is wide-known by its anti-inflammatory properties and it is a great therapy for treating laryngitis and other problems associated to inflammation of the throat. Mother Nature Network this time suggests to suck on candied ginger or drink a piping hot cup of fresh ginger tea.

– Onion syrup. Style Craze suggests chopping 3 to 4 average sized onions into small pieces. Simmer them in 4 cups of water until the mix becomes thicker with a syrup-like texture. Join 5 tablespoons of the onion syrup in a glass of warm water, adding honey and lemon juice for better taste. Drinking this mixture will help you calm the vocal cords and take care of laryngitis.

– Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is wide known as anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-viral herb that acts very cooling and calming to an irritated throat. Lozenges made with eucalyptus can be found very easy or you could also take the recommendation of Style Craze and inhale the steam from a mixture made by adding few drops of eucalyptus oil into boiling water. For getting top effects, breathe in eucalyptus steam for 10 minutes two times a day.

– Chewing gum. Believe it or not, chewing gum intensifies mucus and spit and aids to maintain the throat moist, as recommended by University of Maryland Medical Center. Mint chewing gum could give the extra advantage of making a cooling sensation in the throat.


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