These are the symptoms that your Lymphatic System is dysfunctional, follow these steps for lymph detox

Lymphatic system is extremely important part of our body even though many people overlook its importance. It main duty in our body system are flushing out toxins, waste and all unwanted matters that enter our system.
Lymph fluid is made of white blood cells which are known as the first defending mechanism in fighting infections and bacteria, and it keeps our lymphatic system healthy.

These are the symptoms you may feel if your lymphatic system is congested:
– Swelling of the area around the breasts
– Your skin is dry and itchy
– Acne or rashes
– Hypersensitivity
– Diarrhea or mucus in the stool
– Headaches – mild
– Low level of immune system
– Glands are swollen
– Tiredness
– Swollen fingers
– Brain Fog
– Gaining weight and fat

The major causes of Congested Lymphatic are the follow:
– Stress and anxiety
– Deficiency of iodine in the body system
– Imbalance of the Digestive System
– Clothes constricting

There is a three day lymphatic detox therapy in order to improve your lymph health.
If you want to improve your Lymphatic System or if you have felt any of the above symptoms you should consider doing lymphatic detox. In order to detox you only need three days. These are the methods you need to follow:
During the period of detoxification you should consider drinking herbal tea, doing detox bath, drinking high amounts of water and walking. The difference will be felt in matter of few days!

1. Drinking high amount of fluids
Water is crucial for lymphatic system since it is made of 95% of water. Therefore it is important to keep your body and lymphatic system hydrated. Recommended amount of water needed for consumption is one gallon of water per day.
Water should be combined with fresh juices and herbal tea which will help mineralize your lymphatic system. Not to forget, but also green vegetables juices are also important for the detox process of your entire body, but most importantly for your lymph. So try using it as well.

2. Herbs
It has been proven that herbs support the health of the lymph in ways of detoxification or improving lymphatic drainage. Here are some of the herbs you should consider using:
– Red Root (reduces and helps the process of removing cysts, swollen nodes, nutrients tissues etc)
– Red Clover (increases the detoxification of body as well as circulation improvement)
– Manjistha (helps the process of lymph flow and prevents stagnation of fluids)
– Echinacea (it attacks tumor cells and increase the T-lymphocyte, but also helps the process of detoxification)
– Cleavers (major impact is dissolution of kidney stones, but also dissolves cysts)
Considering using these herbal teas will help you improve the detoxification process of the lymph and boost its function.

3. Exercise
Jumping exercises are the best type for detoxification of the lymph. By doing so you are opening the valves of your lymphatic valves which will also help your improvement of circulation. These exercises should be done every day lasting between 10-15 minutes.

4. Infrared Sauna
Infrared Sauna is great therapy for detoxification since its infrared beam penetrates into your skin. Releasing toxins and the heat of the sauna will improve the flow of the lymphatic system.

5. Brisk Walk
You should consider brisk walking from 30-40 minutes. This will help you stimulate lymph flow

6. Raise your legs
You should raise your legs against the wall while laying on your back. This will also help you have better sleep, but most importantly it will stimulate lymphatic flow.

7. Lymphatic Massage

8. Standing
You should consider standing more than sitting because it helps the process of lymphatic flow and promotes lymphatic drainage.

9. Hydrotherapy shower (hot/cold shower)
This type of shower involves hot and cold shower change instantaneously. This way you will improve the flow of the lymphatic system.

10. Breathing
Deep breathing stimulates lymph flow since your lungs are pumping lymphatic fluid. This exercise is something that everyone can do.
– Stand up and hold your arms stretched on both sides. Move them upwards and breathe in while you raise your arms. Make circles and breathe deeply from lungs. When lowering your hands exhale through mouth. If you start feeling dizzy it is a sign you need to stop since the process of detoxification has finished.

11. Brushing dry skin
Brushing dry skin has health benefits in many ways which include lymphatic flow and detoxification which will boost your organ functions and energy. Here are some ways how to brush dry skin:
– You need bristle brush with long handle
– While standing in the shower start brushing your skin from the body
– Do the brushing process with couple of repetition
– Shower after you are done with the process
– After done with shower add coconut oil on your skin in order to hydrate


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