Tequila is the New Solution for Losing Weight, as Said by a Recent Study

Drinking tequila besides being a traditional Mexican drink is often related to drinking parties of young people, being a cheap and easy way to get drunk very fast. And in general this could not be a good thing but a recent scientific study has demonstrated that actually tequila could be as beneficial for your health as that glass of wine you’re enjoying without any guilt on your conscience.

Taken in general, alcohol does much harm on your liver, but certain types of alcohol, for example tequila, are able to aid you melt that extra fat clinging onto your love-handles and aid you lose weight in general.

A review made in the year 2014 showed that the natural sugars detected in the leaves of the agave plant (a tropical plant whose juices are fermented to make tequila) have the strange capability to decrease the blood sugar levels in our body and aid those who are overweight or have too much fat, lose weight faster.

A researcher that took part in this review, Mercedes G. López, concluded that the enzymes which are part of tequila boost the body to raise the secretion of hormones that decrease the speed of digestion, raise the body’s level of leptin (hormone which reduces appetite), and maintains our ghrelin (hunger hormone) levels in control. That’s how, we feel full for longer and become hungry much later.

In other review the researchers put a few lab rats on a regular diet and then combined certain natural sugars known as agavins (taken from the agave plant), to the water the rats drank. Later on, they realized that the rats who had taken the agavins, had a reduced appetite, didn’t ate as much as they did, and had low blood sugar levels on the whole.

Consequently comes the doubt, how do agavins have different influence on our bodies from other sweeteners?

López explains that other sweeteners for example, high-fructose corn syrup is processed by the body with no trouble and turned into storable fats, while agavins could not be broken down and therefore do not raise your blood sugar levels or force your insulin extra what’s more.

Even though this might not sound too believable, it is sufficient for you to fix someone who says that drinking tequila is terrible for you, by saying, “Au contraire it’s my secret to losing weight!”

source http://www.curejoy.com

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