Try these 5 tweaks to change your metabolism from fat-storing to fat-burning mode

Many people want to burn fat very fast and they try different methods to do so. But in fact they are forgetting and undermining the most important part of the story of losing weight, which is learning the parts of your metabolism.

Our body is complete temple which is based on solid foundation, so in case you neglect these foundations you will have opposite consequences with opposite effects.

These are the top 5 major metabolic factors that will support the process of losing weight:

1. Liver – it is the most important organ which plays a huge role in the process of detoxification of your body and it is responsible for ¼ of production of the thyroid hormone.

2. Adrenals – these adrenal glands are extremely important in the process of balancing metabolism by regulating steroids and stress hormones

3. Thyroid – it plays a role for burning fat, regulates temperature and improves metabolism

4. Muscle – helps the process of burning fat through which it also regulates your blood sugar and improves your metabolism

5. Body – it is a sum of the four metabolic factors that we have talked about

This is why your liver is important for your metabolism and how it affects

Liver has more than 600 metabolic functions and most of the time it is overburdened with processed foods, sugar, stress hormones, toxic matter and alcohol. This overburden is also known as survival mode of the liver.

When such mode is triggered there are many problems that actually occur such as:
– Problems with skin, depression and moodiness
– Bloating in the abdomen
– Gaining weight in the area of the hips and thighs
– Decrease of level of energy, unstable blood sugar, sleep disturbances

In order to avoid such problems with your liver and metabolism you should avoid processed foods and inflammatory foods.

This is why your adrenal glands are important for your metabolism and how it affects

These adrenal glands are extremely important for keeping your metabolism function properly. Adrenal glands produce hormones which regulate glucose, proteins and fat and this way it controls your metabolism.

Also they are great for controlling inflammation and regulation of blood pressure.
Some of the few main reasons for dysfunction of these glands are stress, high blood sugar level, excessive exercise, infections and food sensitivities. Due to these reasons it is really important that you manage to find a way to address these sources of stress and get rid of them in order to keep the glands healthy.

This is why your thyroid is important for your metabolism and how it affects

Thyroid produces hormones which are extremely important for every cell of the body which makes the metabolism work properly. If your body lack thyroid hormones your entire metabolism is affected. Since the thyroid is one of the key factors that regulate metabolism there is also a link between thyroid dysfunction and weight. Losing weight is related to hyperthyroidism whereas gaining weight is related to hypothyroidism.

Here are some tips on how to address low thyroid

First thing you need to do is find the underlying cause for the problem of hypothyroidism which in most cases might be nutritional deficiency, stress, gluten, allergies and heavy metals.
Also you should try to optimize your nutrition which will support your thyroid. This includes using saturated fats, iodine, zinc, selenium etc.

Try to reduce the level of stress at optimal level or simply try to manage it.
You should also try to exercise regularly, but not over exercising in order to support your thyroid.

Do not worry because there is a way on how to reverse low thyroid, but you will need to follow the instructions above.

This is why muscles are important for your metabolism and how it affects

These are the only tissues which your body burns fat of completely. Also it dictates the metabolic rate by being supported by thyroid gland.
If you have more muscles your body will burn more calories, but also it will require lower amount of calories in order to keep the correct weight. You should also know that most of the insulin receptors are found in the muscle tissues, so a person with less muscle will result with insulin resistant.

This is what happens if you become insulin resistant:
One of the bad scenarios is that your body will store glycogen and carbohydrates which later on will turn into fat. Also there will be problem with glucose consumption.
Another scenario is glucose to be stored in the liver which will cause you miss meals that leads to decreased energy level and other health problems

This is how your body actually affects metabolism

In fact there are two types of metabolism and fat loss bodies: fat-burning and fat-storing body.
Fat-burning body contains good posture, great function of thyroid and digestive system, healthy liver and fast metabolism. Whereas, fat-storing body is characterized as inflamed digestive system, toxins in the liver, unhealthy adrenal glands, fat and slow metabolism.

As you may see there are plenty of differences between these two types which are connected back to the metabolism and its factors that are discussed above. The type of body is determined by the metabolism, so it is extremely important that everyone understands that it is their own responsibility to choose what kind of metabolism everyone wants to have.


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