10 Cautioning Indications that You Might Be Infected with HIV

So, even though we hear about HIV every day, let’s start from the beginning and explain the things in details. HIV is an infection that is transmitted sexually and this infection comes as a result of having unprotected sex moreover by being in contact with someone who was already infected.

We are aware that every health condition starts slowly. At its beginning it is hard to find out the reason why you are feeling certain pain for example and that’s why it is important to know your body and not to fail to notice any change that happens.

This article will introduce you certain helpful information about the most frequent signs and symptoms of HIV, so do your best to remember them and communicate it with your friends and family.

1. Fever
When you have flu, fever that comes all of a sudden is a normal thing but in case that you have fever for a longer period of time, then you are supposed to go to a doctor and do some tests right away. Know that lasting fever is a main sign of HIV.

2. Fatigue
HIV virus directly influences on your strength and decreases your energy levels so in case you feel tired constantly, you have to visit your doctor very soon.

3. Muscle ache
In case that your legs, back and joints hurt very much including those days when don’t do anything extra from the everyday routine tasks, then it is time to check out with your doctor.

4. Headache and sore throat
When having HIV, the immunity system becomes weaker and consequently the infections will attack you more often. You will repeatedly feel irritation in your throat and including a strong headache that lasts for days and even nights.

5. Rashes on skin
The skin is a mirror of your health on the whole and at this point you have to be familiar that the HIV consequences also show on the skin in a form of itchy rashes.

6. Weight loss
In case you started losing appetite and weight all of a sudden, and you haven’t changed anything in your lifestyle, then you better visit your doctor.

7. Dry cough
Development of dry sticky cough that stays in your throat is one of the main signs of HIV.

8. Sweating in nights
In case that you have problem sleeping, you could not find a suitable position, and all of that is followed by difficulty breathing and sweating at any temperature, in that case you have to go to see your doctor.

9. Brittle and unhealthy nails
Changing color of your nails could be another indication of HIV. To be exact, your nails turn yellow in cases of HIV.

10. Not being able to concentrate and focus
We are all aware that unhealthy body leads to an unhealthy mind so consequently, in case that you feel edgy constantly and struggle very much to focus on your work, then make certain that you go to see your doctor when possible.

To finish, take care that you reveal this very helpful information with your friends and family because you could aid someone in need. Thank You!

source http://www.healthyfoodteam.com

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