12 Incredible Things That Happen When You Swap Table Salt for Himalayan Sea Salt

Himalayan salt originates from Himalayan Mountain which stretches through Asia (India, China, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bhutan, and Afghanistan). Millions of years ago there were crystallized sea salt beds that stretched across the range of the mountain, which was covered with lava.

Due to the fact that the mountain is constantly covered by ice and snow, it helped preserve the salt from pollution. As a result of that this salt is the purest on the planet. The extraction of it is done by manually mining directly from these mountains.

This purest form of salt contains high amount of minerals and energy-rich iron which makes it appear red, pink and white. As a result of this natural formation, the vitamins and minerals bond with sodium through synergy. Himalayan salt contains more than 80 elements and minerals. The main mineral crystals that it contains are sodium chloride 85.62%, whereas the remaining 14.38% are other traces of minerals such as bromide, fluoride, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, potassium, borate and strontium.

Also this salt contains high amount of natural iodine so it does not require artificial additions.
Himalayan salt contains almost the same components as table salt, but it contains less sodium per serving. This is due to the fact that sea salt crystals or flakes require less room on a teaspoon than the table salt grains.

Here are some of the benefits of consuming Himalayan salt:

1. Improves hydration

2. Reduces blood pressure

3. Improves circulation

4. Improves metabolism

5. Balances water content in the cells, as well as outside the cells

6. Balances pH levels

7. Eliminates toxins

8. Prevents muscle cramps

9. Balances electrolytes

10. Improves the health and strength of bones

11. Prevents goiters

12. Helps the process of nutrient absorption

On the other hand, this salt is also great for preventing aging and helps you get rid of heavy metals that might enter your body through the food you consume. Also it helps you reduce food cravings, lose weight, improves sleep, increases libido, balances the pH levels, and balances hormones.

In most cases, pink salt is actually sea salt because they created as a result of salted body of water, even though it actually comes from the mountains. You should know that this is the purest form of salt that is found on the planet.

The table salt that people use on daily basis actually lacks important minerals, except sodium and chloride. Also this salt when produced it goes through the process of bleaching, cleaning and heating. Also during this process it goes through process of anti-caking agent which is used for preventing mixing it with water once it gets into the container. These compounds are actually harmful for your body because it prevents the process of dissolving once they enter into your body and leads to accumulation of salt in the tissues and organs.

In most cases the addition of iodine that is used for the production process of table salt is synthetic so it makes it hard for processing. Some reports suggest that at least 2% of table salt is consistent of additives.

You can mix the Himalayan salt with green juice in order to get plenty of health benefits and it will help you get rid of the toxins in your body. Also it will improve your overall health.

You can use the pink Himalayan salt in numerous ways, here are some of them:

1. Cooking and curing – you should replace the usual salt you are using because this one will provide the needed nutrients that you are expecting

2. Purify the air – you can use crystal rock lamps made of the salt in order to clean the air

3. Bathing – you should add some salt in the bath tub in order to alleviate pain in the muscles and improve circulation. Also adding salt will help your body absorb all 80 minerals that are great for your skin. This salt is great antimicrobial agent which will prevent skin issue and will improve the health of it.

4. Salt slabs – slabs can help you improve the taste of salt and the minerals in it. In case you decide to heat it, you should use slabs to sear vegetables, fish fillets, and sliced beef. If it is chilled you can decorate with fruits, sushi, vegetables and chees.

5. Potpourri holders and diffusers of essential oil – You can simply use pink salt crystal rocks for decoration in your home

6. Decoration – as we already mentioned that you can use the salt for decoration of your food, you may use it for decoration. You will need to pour salt crystals in container and place it on the place you want to be decorated.

Here is one of the best and delicious low sodium meat recipe (it is best to use beef and poultry)

1. Gallon of water
2. Sea salt – 3 ounces
3. Sugar – 3 ounces
4. Citrus zest – 1 tablespoon (lemon, lime or orange)

Use a pot where you will put the salt, sugar and aromatics. Simmer the water until you get the salt and sugar completely dissolved. Afterwards remove it from the heat and leave it to cool off. Once it is cooled off you should leave the met to brine for at least 5-6 hours, and afterwards drain it. Place it fridge for few hours in order to air dry. Now your meat is ready for boiling, grilling or roasting. Enjoy!

source http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com

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