With This Technique You Will Overcome the Sleeping Problems in Only 60 seconds!!!

As you already know, a good night sleep is extremely important for your health and energy.
Many people that deal with stressful situations usually are suffering from insomnia, which causes negative effect on your health and body. Insomnia also causes other negative effects such as anxiety, muscle fatigue and cognitive impairment.

Have you ever heard or read about the 4-7-8 breathing technique? This technique will help everyone and will make sure that you get the rest needed for refreshing your body.

This is how to perform the technique of breathing:

Dr. Andrew Weil, Harvard graduate has developed this technique to fight stress and insomnia. It is extremely easy to perform and everyone can do it.
You should take a breath through your nose for a four seconds, hold it for seven seconds and then release it for eight seconds. You should repeat this technique for at least four times, or at least until you fall asleep.

Please make sure while exercising this technique you don’t increase the breathing rate. Keep the 4-7-8 pattern as long as you can without speeding up the breathing rate. This way you will slow down the heart rate and will fall asleep immediately.

Maybe you are asking yourself why this work?

When you inhale for four seconds you are taking more oxygen than your usual breath. When you hold it for 7 seconds you are allowing the oxygen to flow through your entire body system. When you release it for more than eight seconds you are expelling all carbon dioxide from your lungs. This way you also slow down the heart rate and increase the level of oxygen in the bloodstream.

It is already proven that with this technique you will overcome the sleeping problems. So in case you have problem with the sleep at night, we strongly recommend practicing this breathing technique and feel the difference.

source http://www.healthandhealthyliving.com

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