This Common Nutritional Deficiency Can Cause Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches are really painful and make you feel uncomfortable and unable to do your daily activities. People that have experienced migraine are aware of the symptoms it causes such as fatigue, nausea, auras, and disorientation. The most troubling is the pain you constantly feel.

Latest research studies suggest that migraine is actually caused as a result of nutritional deficiency.

Migraines in general affect more than 300 million people around the globe, and around 6% of male and 8% of female get these migraines occasionally. This condition causes severe headaches that can last for few hours, but in some cases up to few days. In some cases it causes ‘aura’ which is condition that change the vision and perception of geometric shapes giving you a sense that there are shattered fragments. Also it can cause blurriness and dark spots on one side of the visual field. When these auras appear usually they can be accompanied by dizziness, fatigue and confusion.

Migraines can be caused as a result of different reasons and it varies from one person to another. In fact, latest research suggests that every person that suffers from migraine is due to nutritional deficiency of essential vitamins. The main lack of vitamin that is found to be the root cause for migraine is B vitamins.

The Journal of CNS and Neurological Disorders Drug Targets has found that vitamin B9, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 are the main triggers of migraine. This study found that deficiency of these vitamins can lead to migraines.

Another research study published in 2009 by the research team from Australia’s Griffith University found that vitamins B6 and vitamins B12 can help you reduce the severity and frequency of migraines.

The data from numerous studies show that B vitamins are directly linked to the triggers of migraines, so you need to try and consume foods that are rich with these nutrients in order to prevent the trigger.

Also there are studies that in addition to the B vitamins deficiency it can be triggered by lack of vitamin D. This vitamin is easy to be obtained whereas other B vitamins are harder to be consumed in the right amount through food. Vitamin D can be obtained by simply exposing your skin under sunlight, which makes it easy accessible.

The University Bozok from Turkey has published a research study in the International Journal of clinical Practice and found that people with low level of vitamin D are more likely to suffer from migraines compared to those with normal levels of vitamin D.

The research team found:

1. Patients with migraines have lower serum vitamin D levels compared to people with controlled levels
2. Results suggest that vitamin D is directly linked to migraines

Researchers have concluded: “Based on the present findings, we may suggest that decreased serum vitamin D levels were associated with migraine.”

Migraine treatment

You should be aware that using only one remedy will not help you resolve the issue with migraines. Instead you should try to consume vitamin B and D supplements in order to prevent triggers of migraines. It is important that you manage to find the root of the cause for migraines in order to prevent it.

As we previously mentioned the main cause for migraine pain can be triggered by numerous triggers. This means that some triggers might be working for you, and for others it might not. Due to this it is important to find the root of the cause rather than just popping B vitamins and D vitamins. You will need more detailed strategy in regards to this approach.

Some of the most common migraine triggers are the following:

Food and drinks
It is found that foods and drinks in some cases are the main cause of migraine. Processed foods, tanning in red wine, black tea, excessive consumption of salt, smoked foods, caffeine, and aged cheeses can lead to migraines.

Hormonal triggers
There have been reports that suggest hormones to be the trigger of migraines especially in the monthly menstrual cycles. When a women is undergoing the menstrual cycle there is change of the progesterone and estrogen levels which is found to be directly linked to migraines. Due to these reasons many women feel relief when their menopause starts, and some grapple with migraine pain even after menopause.

Stress is the main root cause for more than 60% of all diseases. This condition can be the cause for migraines. For instance having a new job, marrying, or having a child can be considered as stressful events that might lead to migraines.

Sensory triggers
There are people that report that migraines are triggered as a result of sensory triggers especially the visual ones. Bright light or immediate change of darkness to brightness can be linked with triggering migraine headaches. Also loud sounds can be triggers of migraines, as well as strong smells.


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