5 Factors that Influence Body Weight and Determine the Success of Weight Loss

You’ve been trying to lose weight for long period of time and it is not working? Well, that means you are doing the wrong thing. We are going to present to you the main 5 factors that influence the process of losing weight, thus helping you to find the best balance for losing weight. Most probably you have come across many different advices in regards to the diet, calories, exercises, etc. In fact when it comes to losing weight you need to tackle the very foundations of the process.

Here are the five main building factors of your metabolism that you need to understand in order to lose weight:

1. The thyroid – this gland is extremely important for the metabolism, burning accumulated fat, and body temperature

2. The liver – very important for the process of detoxification and the process of production of hormones

3. The muscle – important for the regulation of blood glucose, as well as burning fat. Also it supports the metabolic functions

4. The adrenals – these are considered the stress glands who regulate the stress hormones, steroid hormones, and the metabolism.

5. The body – it is a combination of the previous four factors.

Let’s look at each factor separately:
The liver is conducting more than 600 functions which are all interconnected with the metabolism. Due to this reason it is important to keep the liver healthy, rather than in survival mode. When your liver is working properly it will absorb all the nutrients and minerals that you are consuming, as well as eliminate toxins and excessive stress hormones. It is also important for the digestion process thus supporting the process of losing weight.

If your liver is in survival mode it can result with low energy, skin issues, depression, sleeping disorder, bloating in the abdominal area, gaining weight, and often change of mood. In order to keep your liver healthy you should avoid consuming foods that cause inflammation, processed foods, etc. Once you start this you will manage to support the process of maintaining and losing weight.

The adrenal glands are responsible for regulating the hormones levels in the body. Also they are very important for the metabolism thus helping maintain the health. Everything you do actually has impact on the adrenal glands. This includes the lifestyle, the food you consume, exercising, and nutritional habits. The main hormones that are produced are cortisol and adrenalin.

The cortisol is important for regulating the glucose in the body and the proteins and fats. Also it is important for fighting inflammation and regulating the blood pressure. On the other hand, adrenaline is important for the fight or flight reaction. Also it provides great source of energy in stressful situations, but overstress might damage the adrenal glands. So in order to keep the adrenal glands healthy you will need to relieve the stress and improve the diet. This way you will manage to lose weight as well as maintain the weight.

The thyroid is also related to the metabolism and the production of hormones in order to maintain the balance in the body. One of the main hormones that balance the metabolism is T3 and T4 hormones, which also impact the cells. In case your thyroid is not producing enough of these hormones it can result with low metabolism which can lead to gaining weight. On the other hand, people with hyperthyroidism can end up with losing too much weight, so it is important to maintain the balance and do regular checks. In order to maintain the healthy balance of the production of hormones by the thyroid you will need to reduce the stress, exercises, and increase the intake of nutrients.

The muscles have very important impact on the metabolic rate. When combined with healthy thyroid it can lead to lean and strong muscles, as well as burning fat very fast. It is important that you have the proper muscle mass in order to maintain the weight and burn calories and fat. In case you have lower muscle mass it can lead to insulin resistance which can cause serious health issues.

The body can be divided in two different categories: fat-burning and fat-storing. First you will need to make sure that you understand the difference between both categories, and you can do so by simply looking the contribution you do through the food and the lifestyle you have. Also the main differences are in regards to the posture, thyroid function, digestive system, health of the liver, adrenal glands, and metabolism. As you can see all of the differences are related to the five factors. You will need to make sure that you reduce the metabolic stress by consuming enough proteins and carbs on daily basis. Also try to avoid consumption of processed foods and do regular exercising.

Here is how to speed up the metabolism:

First you will need to do a full detox of the body, but make sure that you choose the right one instead of choosing detoxifying plan that targets only parts of the body.
You can use the Daytime Blend which is consistent of Yerba Mate and Matcha which will make you feel energized throughout the entire day. Also it is great for detoxification process and improving the metabolism. Also you can use Dandelion Root and Milk Thistle Seed in order to detoxify your body and improve the health of the liver.

On the other hand if you want to rejuvenate for the day you can use Passion Flower and Valerian Root in order to relieve anxiety and ensure good night sleep. These remedies are also great for the liver and can help you lose weight.
We hope that this article was useful and will help you in the process of losing weight.

source https://healthandlovepage.com

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