7 Simple Remedies That Make Your Home Bug-Free Without Chemicals

They might be small but bugs are usually mean little creatures. They could invade a home, garden or any other area in very short time.
The most awful thing about bugs is that they are very hard to dispose of, in spite of lots chemicals offered on the market. Then again, there are some natural methods to eliminate these tiny pests.

Accordingly, we show you eight simple and efficient manners to handle bugs and insects, forever:

1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint is unbearable for bugs. That’s why it keeps them on distance without a glitch. You should combine 8 drops of peppermint essential oil with a little water. The liquid should be sprayed in the corners of the house. To get better results, use a higher dose of peppermint oil. What’s more, you could combine vinegar to the mixture and obtain even better effects.

2. Vinegar
Vinegar is a component that used on its own could give really positive results. Simply mix 1 part vinegar with 2 parts water and spread the mixture around the house.

3. Baking Soda
Another natural bug eliminator is baking soda. This characteristic is because if the fact that it absorbs the moisture from their organisms. Simply spread baking soda around the home, above all in the corners and breaks of the floor. Later than day or two, vacuum baking soda and go over the procedure again.

4. Lavender, Rosemary & Eucalyptus
These 3 plants are another solution for eliminating bugs incredibly fast and efficiently. Mix not many drops of every oil and mix it with water. Next, spray the liquid around the house, above all around the place where you sleep.

5. Mint Leaves
Another unbearable option for the bugs is mint leaves. Squeeze a handful of mint leaves and spread them all-around the curves of the house and near the beds. Additionally, mint leaves could be utilized for expelling moths so store it near your clothes.

6. Cayenne Pepper
Bugs can’t tolerate the smell of cayenne pepper. Simply dust it on commonly affected areas and eliminate bugs once for all.

7. Silica Gel
Finally, silica gel. It is another efficient element for expelling bugs. Grind some silica gel and put it in your bedroom.

source http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com

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