8 Bad Habits Are Destroying Your Kidneys Every Day – Immediately STOP Doing This Stuff

One of the most important organs in the body are the kidneys because kidneys are in charge for filtering toxins from our blood and regulating the water and mineral balance in the body. Still, most people simply don’t take adequate care of them and that ends up with various kidney conditions that are able to lead to even fatal outcomes. Those are the 8 worst habits that are continuously destroying our kidneys:

1. Keeping our bladder full for a long time

Keeping the bladder fur for a prolonged period of time could only make damage to your kidneys. Whenever you have to go the bathroom, do that as soon as possible or other way you are increasing the chance of renal failure including other similar health problems too.

2. Not taking and adequate amount of water

Water is very important because it maintains the body hydrated and it is necessary for right function of the kidney. By not drinking as much water as it is required, which is about 6 to 8 glasses a day, the kidneys won’t be capable of expelling the waste from the body. That will end up in stalled renal flow and build up of toxins in the blood.

3. Drug abuse

Taking pills at any time you are moody is actually a very risky and dangerous habit which could considerably destroy your kidneys. Continual drug abuse is able to decrease the function of this organ and could leave fatal effects on your health.

4. Too much sodium intake

Consuming table salt in large quantities could excessively harm your kidneys, making them work too demanding and trigger a number of symptoms including fatigue. Staying away from salt is rather hard because it is part of nearly every food that we take, so ensure always to read the labels of the food you buy.

5. Too much caffeine

Caffeine is the main ingredient in coffee and it could be found in most soft drinks as well. If you drink these beverages too often, it could increase your blood pressure and damage the kidneys, sooner or later leading to renal failure.

6. Too much protein consumption

Taking too much protein every day could boost the metabolic load and damage the kidneys without repair.

7. Alcohol abuse

Big amounts of alcohol on daily basis are one of the most horrible things you could do to your kidneys. You may have a drink or two per day, but bigger amount could cause severe health problems and harm your kidneys.

8. Ignoring flu and colds

If you don’t treat colds and the flu on time or you don’t rest whenever you are, you overwork and damage the kidneys, so attempt to find a suitable solution for this problem as soon as you could.

source http://www.homehealthyrecipes.com

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