A Special Drink That Will Cleanse Smokers And Ex-Smokers Lungs

We have heard numerous times that smoking damages the health. And yes, this has to be true because as said by the American Lung Association, cigarettes have over 600 damaging constituents, and when they burn, they release more than 7000 toxins!
The studies say that almost 69 of these toxins pollute the body and are a reason for developing cancer. Many of them are part of many goods sold in the markets, but they are tagged on the package.

The list that comes next has some of the toxins and chemicals you get as you smoke:
– Acetone that is part polish remover
– Acetic acid found in hair dye
– Ammonia found in house cleaners
– Arsenic found in rat poison
– Benzene in rubber cement
– Butane in fluid in lighters
– Cadmium in battery acid
– Carbon monoxide as part of car exhaust fumes
– Formaldehyde found in embalming fluids used for medicine and autopsy
– Hexamine found in barbecue fluid for lighting
– Lead in battery
– Naphthalene in mothballs
– Methanol in rocket fuels
– Nicotine in insecticides and similar products
– Tar in paving road materials
– Toluene in paints

Consequently, the lungs of both, smokers and people who have quit smoking, are full of these hazardous poisons.
However, the good thing is that there is an efficient way to clean as a minimum the major part of them, and it has just 3 constituents, ginger, onion, and turmeric.
Ginger, onion, and turmeric are known as really favorable foods with powerful therapeutic properties. Ginger reduces the buildup mucus in the lungs successfully, as onions show powerful anti-cancer properties and struggle respiratory problems. Turmeric is high in minerals and vitamins, including omega 3 fat acids, and terminates cancer cells, and fights bacteria and viruses.

Here are the instructions for preparing this helpful recipe:
• 2 big spoons powder turmeric
• Ginger root, organic
• 400 g onion
• 400 g raw sugar
• 1-liter water

Process of preparation:
Start with adding the sugar to the water and heat the mix until it starts boiling. After that, chop the ginger and the onions and join them to the pan. Once the whole mixture boils, reduce the heat, and add the turmeric. The whole mixing should be cooked until you get to the half of the first amount.
The mixture should be strained and put into a glass bottle or a jar. Leave the mixture to cool down and store it in a refrigerator.
The recommended dose is one tablespoon of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, and one in the evening, 2 hours after your dinner. The outcomes of taking this mixture are amazing!

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