According to Psychologists, People Who Cry a Lot Have This Unique Personality Trait

Are you one of those people that are crying very often? Even if you are not crying often you should know that this is not a sign of vulnerability, and you shouldn’t apologize for it.

Here are the main four reasons why crying is healthy, and indicator of strength and resilience. These four reasons will help you feel empowered after crying:

1. Relieve of stress

The American Psychological Association has found that crying is great for relieving stress caused by interpersonal relationships, anxiety, and sadness. Crying actually help you filter and channel your thoughts. On the other hand if you are not channeling the thoughts you might end up with long-term psychological damage.

Also, crying helps you relieve the negative tension that has been accumulated during the day, and helps you recharge your mood. If you are shedding emotional tears your body releases hormones that enhance the mood. Professor Roger Baker from Bournemouth University has found that crying could be used for treatment and relieve of trauma.

2. You are aware of your feelings

There are many different reasons for crying such as sadness, anger, stress, hormonal imbalance, loss, loneliness, and even things like sad song and movie. Crying actually allows you to acknowledge your feelings and confront them.

In case you are not able to confront these feelings you might turn towards abuse of alcohol, drugs, and it might lead to depression, anxiety, and compulsive behavior. Also many people are trying to avoid facing the feelings of guilt, fear, and judgment. It is important in these cases to be able to acknowledge the emotions and relieve it through the tears, rather than holding it in yourself.

3. You have great self-esteem

When people are not alone they tend to hide and suppress the feelings, and if they feel like crying the suppression is even greater. The society has imposed belief that crying in front of other people should be avoided because it is a shame.

In fact, it is in our nature to feel emotional and we should never hide those feelings. A study conducted back in 1964 has found that the emotional response of people when someone is crying is less negatively. So if someone decides to cry in public it shows that they don’t really care about what others think, and also they show that they are not dependent on the social expectations.

4. Crying makes you better friend

Crying can definitely show that you are open with your friends. Most probably you have been in situation when you hear bad news from your friend you will be the first one to cry.

This way you are also helping your friend to relieve the stress and make your friends feel comfortable to express their emotions in your presence. All of this will lead to better and meaningful relationships.

5. Mental illness and crying

In case you are crying very often or you have frequent urges for crying try to seek a counselor or therapist. There are millions of people that actually have this problem and it is important to know that if you are among them, immediately you will need to seek solution.

There are three online centers that can help you in regards to mental illnesses:

1. International help lines
2. Better help
3. Hope care

Crying is definitely the best way to relieve the emotions and improve your mood. Also it is great tool for strengthening relationships, build of character, and managing stress.

So whenever you feel like crying you should never try to suppress it, but rather let it out.


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