Apply this paste on your underarms. All hair will fall down and will never come back

In case you were wondering about the purpose of the body hair, know that it serves to protect the skin from outside factors. Usually this hair causes troubles, mostly for the women if they have it too much on their face and underarms.

That’s why there are so many ways to get rid of that hair but the effects last for short. Besides those methods, there are also natural methods, like this natural remedy, which is an excellent way to eliminate unnecessary hair.

We are talking about turmeric powder and this is the recipe for making this remedy.

Needed Ingredients:
1. Turmeric powder – ½ a cup
2. Rosewater
3. Warm water
4. Towel

Preparing the recipe:
Start with combining the ingredients to get a thick paste. The paste should be put on the armpits and let it work for 20 to 30 minutes. After that, use a towel to wash the remedy off. Before you start the procedure, put the towel into warm water. Finally, pat dry the skin so as to make sure that you take away all the hair.

Another interesting option is a remedy made of sodium bicarbonate and water

Needed Ingredients:
1. Sodium bicarbonate (Baking soda)
2. Water

Preparing the recipe:
Again the ingredients should be mixed into a paste. Make the paste ticker, not in liquid form. Apply the paste on your underarms before you o to bed and leave it during the night. The next morning wash the affected area using warm water. After the whole procedure, apply some moisturizer on the skin because it may become dry.


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