Is Your Blood Sugar High? Magnesium Can Help

Did you know that magnesium is the fourth most important mineral in the body? It is very important for the biological processes in the body and more than 3.751 human proteins are directly linked with this mineral.

Magnesium is great for detoxifying processes and eliminating heavy metals in the body. Also it contains strong antioxidants that can help you reduce strokes, cardiovascular diseases, and development of diseases. There are more than 300 enzymes in the body that require this mineral in order to work properly. This mineral is also important for the blood vessels, proper function of the bowel, improve the health of the heart, create ATP, and regulate blood sugar levels.

Magnesium is also very important for preventing type-2 diabetes. It has very important role for the function of the metabolism. Magnesium homeostasis is based on two specific genes which control the glucose homeostasis and insulin levels. It requires magnesium in order to activate the enzymes for the cellular functions.

This process also includes the function of the insulin receptors which are known as tyrosine kinase.

People that have insulin resistance excrete more magnesium through their urine, thus forming magnesium deficiency in the body. From these facts we can conclude that it is important to ensure that you intake enough amount of magnesium especially if you want to lower the risk of type-2 diabetes and improve the metabolism.

Other reasons for magnesium deficiency in the body are alcoholism, unhealthy kidneys, age, poor digestive system, diabetes, and medications (especially those that treat cancer and diuretics)

Magnesium is taking only 1% of in the blood, but 60% of it actually is located in the bones, whereas the rest is located in the soft tissues. In fact, there are no accurate tests that you can do in order to determine the level of magnesium in the tissues. This is due to the fact that most of the magnesium is found in the bones rather than in the blood plasma. The closest test that can give you approximate results of the magnesium levels is RBC magnesium test.

The main symptoms of magnesium deficiency are low appetite, vomiting, nausea, headaches, fatigue, and low energy level.
In case of longer period of time with deficiency of magnesium in the body can result with muscle cramps, seizures, numbness, coronary spasms, and abnormal heart rhythms. You can avoid these health issues caused by magnesium deficiency by consuming healthy food that is rich with this mineral. You can also use supplements, but it is always better to try and intake this mineral through natural ingredients.

You should always try to consume healthy diet in order to avoid health issues that will require taking medications. Consuming healthy foods should include leafy dark-green vegetables because they are packed with magnesium and other nutrients.

It is always better to consume organic foods because their nutritional value is always greater than foods that are produced with the support of pesticides and other chemicals. Dr. Dean, magnesium expert says that organic food is much richer with magnesium than other foods because of the nutrient rich soil they grow.

You can also consume enough amount of magnesium through preparing a juice of green vegetables, but also by consuming almond butter, dried whey, dry cocoa powder, dried pumpkin seeds, dried agar, dried basil, and flaxseed.

The amount that is required on daily basis is around 300 to 420mg per day. Of course this depends on the age, gender, pregnancy, and lactation. It is fact that most of the people actually lack magnesium in their body, so it is best to try and consume it at least every day.

Here is some additional information in regards to the magnesium supplement types that you can use:

1. Magnesium sulfate/hydroxide – these supplements are usually used as a type of laxative. Make sure you are not overusing it.
2. Magnesium carbonate – this supplement contains about 45% of magnesium.
3. Magnesium taurate – this is a mixture of magnesium and taurine which is great for the body.
4. Magnesium citrate – this supplement contains laxative qualities due to the combination of citric acid and magnesium
5. Magnesium threonate – this is the new type of magnesium supplement
6. Magnesium glycinate – it is great for overcoming issues with deficiency of magnesium.
7. Magnesium oxide – it contains 60% of magnesium, and fatty organic acids
8. Magnesium chloride/lactate – great for improving absorption and supplying the body with the needed amount of magnesium

We are still recommending that it is better to consume magnesium through healthy food because it is the best way to balance the amount you intake.
In order to better understand the balance and the needed amount of magnesium on daily basis, you should know that in comparison with calcium it should be consumed in ratio 1:1. If you intake the required amount of magnesium and keep the balance of nutrients in the body you can definitely prevent development of type-2 diabetes, and other diseases.

Some other advises are in regards to the importance of consuming healthy diet and regular exercise. This way you will stimulate the metabolic hormones to function properly thus keep your body healthy.


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