Preparing Parsley Tea for Healing Swollen Ankles, Legs and Feet

Maybe parsley looks very nice as a garnish, but many of us have overlooked that this amazing plant could be utilized in lots other ways as well. Consuming a lot of parsley has been related to health at all times and this herb is thought to defend from a range of health conditions.
Recently, parsley tea was often utilized to cure different problems. At those times this herb is invigorated as a mighty herbal remedy. Leg edema or swollen legs is one of the conditions parsley is able to help with.

What Is Edema?

By edema is actually meant the retention of fluids in the body that in some cases could be normal like having little swelling in your legs, after a day spent standing or sitting, or during pregnancy.

On the other hand, leg and ankle swelling, as well known as peripheral edema, could additionally indicate that there is an essential concern that may perhaps ask for more attention and treatment. Kidney disease, heart failure, liver disease and some medications could all result in fluid retention.

Parsley Tea and Leg Swelling

Parsley is a recognized natural diuretic that aids the body to throw away extra water and salts by making better kidney function and taking more water from the blood.

The Journal of Ethnopharmacology, in 2002 published a study that gave considerable proof for the employ of parsley as a potent diuretic. This study was provided on rats, assuming that humans and rats have the identical basic physiology. Rats that drunken parsley seed extract developed considerably more urine over a period of 24 hours related to the time when they were drinking just water.

Scientists consider that this herb works in a diuretic manner by stopping the sodium and potassium ion pumps, having an influence on the course of osmosis and raising the flow of urine.

Parsley is high in potassium and many of the chemically developed diuretic drugs decrease potassium levels in the body, resulting with damaging consequences. In case that you utilize parsley, you stay away from this contrary outcome as body’s potassium amount is not used up.

Parsley Tea Home Remedy for Edema (Swollen Legs)

Dr. John R. Christopher who is a specialist in the field of herbalism, recommends drinking no less than two quarts of strong parsley tea per day with possible increasing of the dose to a cup of tea every hour.

When preparing your tea, it is recommended to use the fresh light-green leaves, together with roots and seeds (in case you could get them).

1. Chop up the leaves and roots;
2. Put about ¼ cup of parsley into an infusion basket;
3. Pour over a cup of boiled water or sink into a tea pot;
4. Leave it to soak for five to seven minutes.
5. Take away the basket or strain the tea.

In order to improve the taste of this tea, you could use honey and lemon. (honey and lemon could be used to transform your health in general).
Do not overlook to combine tea consumption with other methods for reducing the swelling, like lifting your legs.
Sooner than utilizing parsley tea as a diuretic, you could check with your doctor, above all in case that there is a main health condition that has to be thought about.


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