Careful with these light bulbs because they are extremely hazardous and can cause migraines, anxiety and cancer!

People tend to save energy and money by replacing their old standard light bulbs with new energy saving bulbs. In fact these new energy saving bulbs are toxic and according to US Environmental Protection Agency there is an emergency protocol that needs to be followed if you break these bulbs because they contain poison gas.

In case you break one of these bulbs in your house it will release 20 times more concentrated mercury in the air compared to the allowed level.
The Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klauditz Institute did research study and confirmed these findings. These energy saving bulbs can make you feel dizzy, feel headaches, migraine, fatigue, seizures and reduce your concentration. Bearing in mind these causes such as anxiety, migraine and cancer, you should consider going back to your old save bulbs.

These are the reasons why you should go back to the old save bulbs:

Energy saving bulbs contain mercury:
This chemical is really dangerous and it can damage your nervous system, liver and kidneys. Also it is dangerous for your cardiovascular system and reproductive system. It might cause tremors, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, cancer and Alzheimer.

Energy saving bulbs are cancerous:
Peter Braun from German’s Alab Laboratory found that these light bulbs contain cancerous chemicals such as:
– Phenol – which is toxic crystalline solid found in coal tar. It’s main use is in chemical production
– Naphthalene – is crystalline compound which is used as raw material for chemical production.
– Styrene – it is liquid hydrocarbon found in petroleum

Energy saving bulbs emit UV rays:
These bulbs have high emitting of UV-B and UV-C radiation. These radiations are really dangerous for your immune system because it damages your skin tissues and destroys the vitamin D3 in your skin. Also it is known that it causes skin cancer due to the UV radiation. You probably already know that it is not worth to buy these energy saving bulbs because they can cause severe ailment.

In case you break one of these bulbs you should consider following the protocol issued by the Environmental Protection Agency due to the dangerous and hazardous properties it contains. Here is the procedure issued by EPA:

If you break this bulb you should do this before cleaning it up:
1. Immediately leave the room
2. Open all windows and doors in order to ventilate and get fresh air in
3. Turn on the heating/cooling system on

You will need to clean the pieces with the following:
– Stiff paper or cardboard
– Damp paper towels
– Sticky tape
– Glass jar or sealable plastic bag

When you cleanup:
Do not use vacuum unless you notice glass bits that are left over after the cleanup. You should avoid using vacuuming because this way you will spread mercury powder even more. Scoop up the glass pieces with stiff paper and also use the tape to get the tiniest bits of glass and powder. All the materials should be placed in the jar or the plastic bag. Consider checking the detailed cleanup plan if you need more detailed information in regards to the cleanup process.

Finishing cleanup:
You should throw the waste in a trash container or designated waste container for hazardous materials. Make sure you collect all pieces of the bulb. Also you may ask your local government to provide you with more details about the disposal of these hazardous waste.
Some local government require disposal of bulbs (broken or not) to be disposed in special containers.
Remember to leave the doors and windows open and the air-con on.




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