Clean Your Body from Toxins and Lose 11 Pounds in a Month

The most important meal is the breakfast. Having breakfast helps you detoxify your body and clean your intestines, but also it helps you with improvement of the digestive system and strength of the body. Also it is great for improvement of the health of your skin.

This healthy breakfast that we are going to present to you will help you burn fat fast which will result with losing between 3-5 pounds in only one week.

Lots of nutritionists are actually recommending this breakfast due to the reports from people about the results of losing weight. Also this breakfast is extremely tasty and contains lots of health benefits. So if you were looking for the best breakfast, look no further because you have found the one. On the other hand, this breakfast contains lots of vitamins and minerals which are great for improvement of the health of your skin, hair, boost your metabolism, and strengthening the body systems. You will get rid of all toxins from your body very quickly if you consume it on regular basis.

This breakfast works in a way that it eliminates the issues that are related to lazy bowels and constipation, and it burns fat and calories quickly. If you consume this beverage for at least 30 days you will be amazed by the results which are expected to help you lose between 3-11 pounds.

Also your nails, hair and overall health will be boosted completely. Here is the recipe:


1. Oatmeal – 2 tablespoon
2. 10oz kefir or low fat
3. Prunes
4. Ground flaxseed – 1 teaspoon
5. Cocoa


You will need to prepare this breakfast before the night. At first pour 100ml of boiling water over the plums and cover them. Leave it for 10 minutes in order to cool off completely. Next you will need to put the oat flax and cocoa in another bowl and add the yogurt over it. Mix it well. Afterwards chop the plums and mix them with the remaining ingredients. Place the mixture in the fridge until the morning. Consume it in the morning.

If you feel some strange feeling in your stomach you should know it is because of the improvement of your digestive system that is happening. You will soon get rid of that feeling, and the results will become noticeable.

Feel free to share this recipe with friends if you find it useful!


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