Coca-Cola and Pepsi Can be Used as Pesticides, Then Why Are We Still Drinking This Stuff in Spite of Everything?

Believe it or not but our favorite drinks Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been utilized by the farmers in India as a non expensive substitute for pesticide. As said by CSE (Center for Science and Environment), one of the most important voluntary agencies in India, the beverages like Coca-Cola and Pepsi are loaded in high levels of pesticide remains.

As a result, farmers utilize them to get rid of pests by reason that they are rather economical measured up to usual pesticides.

Back in 2003 the CSE made tests on about 12 soft-drink producers and detected that all of them have remains of 4 toxic pesticides and insecticides – chlorpyrifos, malathion, DDT, and lindane. According to this study, Coca-Cola and Pepsi have 42 times bigger levels of these toxic compounds than EEC standards. These toxins are able to harm the nervous system and the reproductive system, also causing birth defects, doing harm to the immune system, and increasing the chance of getting cancer.

On one hand, the producers of Coca-Cola and Pepsi completely oppose that their products could be utilized as pesticides while on the other hand, the farmers in India before now utilize the beverages to defend their rice plants against pests. Agricultural experts say that Coca-Cola and Pepsi would just draw red ants that feed on the larva of insects.

Also, about 95% of the US soft drinks have the similar toxins and pharmaceuticals as trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole, gemfibrozil, estrone, carbamazepine, atrazine, atenolol, chlorine, arsenic, and fluoride. Even though you were familiar that Coca Cola and Pepsi are not 100% organic and natural, you are most likely left without words from the information that they are utilized as an alternative for pesticides. Therefore, rather than drinking it, you could utilize these beverages for a lot of other things.

Further Purposes of Coca-Cola and Pepsi

– Cleaning blood stains from clothing.
– Descaling a kettle.
– Polishing pennies.
– Cleaning the toilet.
– Killing slugs and snails.
– Cleaning oil stains in the garage.
– Eliminating rust stains from pools
– Removing gum stuck in the hair.
– Cleaning engines.
– Removing hair dye.
– Cleaning kitchen floors.
– Polishing Chrome.
– Cleaning the stains from vitreous china.
– Dissolving a tooth.


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