We Consume This Poison Every Day, STOP Until is Too Late!

We are going to present to you in this article the most harmful ingredients which you may use on daily basis. These ingredients are causing serious health problems, so you need to be aware of it.

Most of the food we consume contains dangerous silent killer such as monosodium glutamate E621, which is used as food additive for replacement of salt.

This is commonly used in the process of food preparation in the restaurants and the taste of it is like meat and soup. Also it causes obesity, overeating and increased appetite. The effect of this compound is like drug because it acts as stimulant on the brain cells and it enters the blood stream and brain, which causes change in genes that are responsible for taste and sense.

You can find this ingredient in different types of foods such as salami, sausage, hot dogs, chips, prepared soup, beet etc. The maximum allowed dose which is considered safe for use it 1.5 grams per day and ½ gram per day for children.

200 thousand tons of this supplement are used each year and the overdose of it is known as “Chinese restaurant syndrome”. This is serious condition which causes adverse effects such as nausea, weakness, visual disturbances, sleepiness, migraine, chest pain, hormonal imbalance etc.

The founder of this substance is Ikeda Kikunae in 1907 and he discovered that this ingredient is able to change the taste of food completely. Besides the fact that it can change the taste of the food it can also change the aroma of the fast foods, cans and frozen food.

Also this substance was used as addition to the food of lab rats and the results showed that it led to losing the eyesight. On the other hand, prolonged used of this substance could lead to damaging the food receptors for taste which are found on your tongue.

This ingredient might be the main reason why we always desire chocolates, canned foods, processed meat, chips and many others. Also it is found that it causes addiction which is the main reason why big companies are using it for their products.

These companies actually benefit a lot with the use of this substance because it gives better taste to foods that are low in quality and taste bad. As a result of this it is important to use only natural spices which are completely safe and beneficial for your health.

You need to make sure when you buy any of the products mentioned above to check the label on the packaging in order to make sure that the substance is not included in it.

source http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com

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