Develop an Infinite Supply of Lemons by Using only 1 Seed

We all know that lemons are one of the healthiest foods on the planet, but even with their plentiful health benefits, we all love the flavor of fresh lemonade.

These fruits are rich in vitamin C, which makes the immune system stronger, and battle flu and cold. What is more, lemons have powerful anti-inflammatory properties in treating conditions like osteoarthritis and arthritis.

Lemon could additionally decrease the harm made by free radicals. Because of the high flavonoid content, lemons have strong antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties.

Could you suppose having fresh lemons at home at any time you necessitate them? How great is that? Now we will demonstrate how to produce your own lemons at home by utilizing just one seed:

Needed things:
• 1 lemon
• Good quality Soil
• A suitable container or pot
• Breathable plastic film
• A sunny area

How to plant the seed:
– Put the soil in the pot, and put in some water to moisten it. It is suggested to leave about an inch under the rim.
– The next step is slicing the lemon and choosing the seed that has the best shape. After that remove its flesh but don’t dry it because you need it moistened. After that, dig a hole in the soil of about half an inch and place the seed in the hole.
– Cover it up with soil once more, and water it using a watering can or a squirt bottle.
– Wrap the pot using plastic for it to keep it damp. Keep the pot in a sunny location.
– Have in mind that too often watering could rot the seed. Pay attention to the plant for 1 to 2 weeks, and when it begins to sprout, take away the plastic cover.
– Put the pot on a place with a direct expose to sunlight.

How to look after the lemon tree:
Even as the tree is very young, water it on a regular basis to stay moist, but ensure the container has drainage holes.
The pot has to be kept in a bright location, because it asks for sunlight for no less than 8 hours a day.
Every time you needed, add a fertilizer. At what time it grows bigger, move it into a bigger pot, and in case it is too large, you could keep it on the balcony or backyard.


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