The Most Effective Ways to Lower Child’s Fever Without Medication in Less Than 5 Minutes

When children have fever it is extremely stressful time for the parents. There are different studies that suggest the fever doesn’t mean anything bad unless the child is healthy. Usually the children have fever in situations when the body is fighting infection in the body, thus the child is becoming sick.

In case the fever becomes worse and your child is having it constantly which makes it feel uncomfortable you should try to use some natural remedies that can help him get rid of it. Remember that in case your child is having fever for few days that he needs to visit the doctor.

We are going to present to you five natural methods that can help you get rid of the fever of the child without the need of medications.

1. Cold washcloth on forehead
This is very effective method for reducing high fever, and the only thing you need to do is put a cold washcloth on the forehead of your child. Leave this cloth until it warms up and whiles the child is sleeping or resting

2. Increase the fluids that you give your child
You need to make sure that you child is given enough fluids while he has fever. The fluids need to be cold in order to keep the body hydrated.

3. Brandy and water
You will need to mix equal parts of brandy and water in a bowl and soak gauze in it. Afterwards you should squeeze the excess out of the gauze and put it in the socks of the child.

4. Grated potatoes
First you need to wash and peel the potatoes and afterwards grate them. Put the potatoes in the socks of the child in order to reduce the fever. This is really effective way and the fever will be gone really fast.

5. Keep the child indoor in cool place
When the child is having a fever you should keep it inside in a cool place. In case you take it outside make sure it stays under the shadow

6. Use a fan
Put the fan in low mode and turn it directly to the child. This way you will circulate the air around the kid thus reduce the fever

7. Remove layers of clothing
It is important that you remove the layers of clothing from your child when he/she has a fever. This way you will allow the body to release the body heat through the skin. In case the child is shivering you should cover it with light blanket.

8. Lukewarm bath
You should use lukewarm water and bath the child, but make sure that you are not using cold water because that way the temperature of the body will raise even more. By using lukewarm water you will manage to reduce the fever and the body will release the temperature.

In case your child is younger than 6 months make sure that you visit a doctor in case of fever.


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