Every Woman Over 40 Should Be Using This Essential Oil Every Day

Many women once they turn 40 begin to notice changes on their body. These changes are in form of psychological, physical and emotional, and in most cases appear in form of flashes, increased level of stress and loss of memory.

Already for many years clary sage oil has been utilized in order to relieve symptoms caused by menopause. We are going to present to you eight magnificent benefits of clary sage oil and some tips on how to use it.

Here are the eight benefits of clary sage oil

1. Balance of hormones

This oil is extremely rich with dietary estrogens known as phytoestrogens that are found in plants which play vital role in the regulation of estrogen level. Due to this the uterus health is supported. As time passes people are more exposed to cancer and because of that it is important to preserve the uterus and its health in order to prevent development of ovarian cancer or uterine cancer.

Once the level of estrogen is high it might cause serious health problems such as polycystic ovaries, cancer based on estrogen and infertility. If you consume food that contains high amount of estrogen it can cause any of the above health problems. This is the reason why you need to make sure that you keep your estrogen level at optimal level, and you can do so by using this oil.

One study reviled that this oil is also great for preventing depression due to the ability to decrease cortisol levels by 36%. Also it is great for hormone balance.

2. Infections

Once you apply the oil topically it can help you treat infections and wounds on your skin. Because it contains great antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, this oil can help you fights against bacterial strains. Remember not to overuse it. The recommended dosage is 5 drops.

3. Relieving menstrual pain

The oil is great for preventing symptoms such as PMS, cramps, mood swing, bloating and food cravings. Also this essential oil is great antispasmodic agent which helps you reduce the spasm frequency and contractions in the uterus. Furthermore, it is great for relieving pain in the abdomen, headaches and it helps you relax nerve impulses.

One study made by Oxford Brooks University revealed if this oil is used in aromatherapy it has the ability to reduce physical pain and anxiety. In order to use it for these purposes you should dilute 4 drops in coconut oil. Use this mixture on the affected area.

4. Improves digestion and balances cholesterol levels

This oil is great for improvement of gastric and bile juice secretion, but also it is great for boosting your metabolism and alleviate indigestion, crams, bloating and abdominal discomfort. It provides great support for the absorption process of minerals, as well as treating ulcers and alleviating constipation. Many studies suggest that this oil is strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that provides great protection against cardiovascular diseases and reduction of bad cholesterol. In order to use this essential oil for treatment of these health conditions, you will need to use a hot compress and add 5 drops on it. Apply this on the abdomen and massage the area.

5. Improvement of circulation

Clary sage oil is great for boosting your metabolism due to the fact it brings oxygen to muscles and other vital organs. Also it has great ability to relax your brain and arteries that lead to reduction of blood pressure. In order to prepare the remedy for healing these purposes you will need to make your own clary sage mist. You will need six drops of clary sage, three drops of cinnamon, twelve drops of mandarin, and six drops of rose geranium. Mix all ingredients in spray bottle and fill the remaining of the bottle with water. Use this mixture to spray your body.

6. Skin

This essential oil contains linalyl acetate that is great natural phytochemical that reduces inflammation and rashes, but also it regulates the production of oil on your skin which prevents it to dry and produce acne. Also you can use this oil for moisturizing your skin in order to keep your skin hydrated and lower the formation of wrinkles. If you want to use this remedy for improving your skin condition, you will need to mix equal parts of clary sage oil and coconut oil.

7. Stress relieve

People above 40 experience higher level of stress which you can’t avoid since it comes with the age and in most cases family problems. This essential oil can help you reduce the fear and anxiety, but also it can help you increase your confidence. Also it is great for treatment of depression. You will need to use six drops of this oil mixed with two drops of orange oil.

8. Sleep

This oil is great for improvement of your sleeping and it can help you overcome problems with insomnia due to the ability to balance your hormones. Also it is great for reduction of stress due to the sedative properties it contains. It is easy to make your own clary sage balm. You will need to mix ten drops of clary sage, ½ cup of coconut oil, ½ cup of beeswax, ½ cup of olive oil and ten drops lavender oil. Mix all in ingredients in double boiler and stir it well. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes and transfer it in container. Now it is ready for use.

source http://www.staynaturallyhealthy.com

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