Five Ingredients that Poison your Brain

The unpleasant truth is that around us there are a lot of poisonous ingredients that affect on our health on many ways. Some of them are gut disturbing, other liver compromising, or affect the brain. Still, there are many things that could be done to stay away from these toxins and protect ourselves. Under, there is a listing of 5 ingredients that destroy the brain and ought to be avoided in any case.

1. Gluten

This protein is a constituent in kumut, spelt, wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten has a sticky texture and has a tendency to attach to the small intestinal wall. That way it causes digestive and immune system problems, for instance celiac disease. Furthermore, there is and non-celiac, gluten sensitivity. This condition is the main cause for inflammatory conditions of the nervous system and the brain.

There are scientific evidences that there is a powerful relation among gluten sensitivity and disorders that influence on the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Gluten has been also related to psychiatric conditions, dementia, cognitive impairment, and others.

2. Non-natural sweeteners

Because of the zero calories marketing, aspartame, sucralose, saccharin and similar artificial sweeteners have become extremely fashionable. On the other hand, it comes out that these sweeteners are poisonous and damaging to the brain. Aspartame, for example, is a mix of lots chemicals, like methanol, phenylalanine, and aspartic acid. In fact it develops a brain-tumor chemical when not working.

Using aspartame is a reason for diverse symptoms, as well as migraines, indistinct talking, depression, and anxiety attacks. Unfortunately, this ingredient is included in bubble gums, tabletop sweeteners, water with taste, muesli, sodas, yogurt, cuisine sauces, and similar sugar-free products.

3. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

MSG is a short form for monosodium glutamate. It is about a concentrated form of salt, supplementary to foods to increase taste. MSG in fact tricks the taste buds in the brain into considering that the food is tasty. As a matter of fact, it additionally boosts the production of extra dopamine, the feel-good drug. As an excitotoxin, this component is related with brain harm and further neurological diseases, like lupus, dementia, MS, Parkinson`s disease, Alzheimer`s disease, and so on.

Usually it is found in salad dressing, soups and vegetables in can, grill sauce, bouillon cubes, and additional processed foods.

4. Refined Sugar

This ingredient is known to everyone but at the same time it is the most harmful ingredient in our food. Habitual sugar consumption is related with lots health problems which influence the brain harmfully.

Refined sugar holds back BDNF, a growth hormone which is of highest significance for the brain. The brain derivative neorotrophic factor (BDNF), sets off innovative links connecting the neurons in the brain which are vital for the memory function. There are scientific evidences that small BDNF levels in persons who suffer from schizophrenia and depression mixed with sugar consumption might make those conditions worse.

Additionally, refined sugar causes inflammation, upsetting the immune and digestive system. Constant inflammation enlarges the chance of getting schizophrenia and depression. Equally depressed persons and those who wish to recover their mental mood and intelligibility are supposed to reduce refined sugar from their nutrition.

5. Fluoride

There are different opinions but most of them point out the same. They say that the choice to put in fluoride to community drinking water is one of the most risky effects. It affects on our brain and the general health.

As stated by the Fluoride Action Network, fluoride is related with poorer IQ. A learning provided by UNICEF has demonstrated that IQ was decreased at the level which is added to U.S drinking water, which is 0.88 mg/l.

In addition, the Fluoride Action Network cited that 34 trials relate fluoride to poorer IQ levels. Other trials recommend that it is related to changed neurobehavioral function, fetal brain injure, and memory harm.


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