Forget about gaining weights during menopause with these simple steps!

Menopause is normal part of every woman’s life and usually it occurs after age of 51. Of course there are cases where woman get their menopause earlier or later than this average age of occurrence, for example at 40 or late 55 years of age.

National Institute of Aging has declared three official phases: perimenopause, menopause and postmenopausal. The first phase, perimenopause, covers the period before the menopause and it might occur several years before the actual last menstrual period.

The second phase, menopause, is the actual end of menstrual period and it officially mean the perimenopause phase has ended.

The third phase is postmenopause and it last for the rest of your life. When your ovaries stop producing the main two hormones, estrogen and progesterone, officially mean that menopause occur. This change of the level of hormones and its balance cause different symptoms such as hot flashes, irregular period, sudden change of mood, weight gain and sleeplessness.

Gaining weight during the period of menopause
Most women have this problem and it really frustrates them. The Academy of Nutrition and dietetics found that “Menopausal weight gain is not just uncomfortable, but it is also hard for your health and often correlated with the increased risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure and insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes.” What is important about this is the fact that you may avoid this menopausal weight gain by consuming healthy food and improved active lifestyle.

Most probably you are questioning why weight gain occurs?
Women are gaining weight in their abdominal area when the process of menopause begins. Many factors contribute to this process of gaining weight during the menopause period. National Institute for Health has found that the main cause is the change of the hormonal levels during the period of premenopause which results with abdominal obesity. Furthermore the change of the balance of hormones might contribute to many other physical and psychological changes.

The main contributors that influence the fat distribution are 3 hormones that occur during the premenopausal and menopausal period.

Here are some more details on these 3 hormones that influence:

1. Estrogen
Some scientific studies suggest that during the period of menopause the production of estrogen reduces as a result of the reduced production of ovaries. Furthermore, this reduced production of estrogen influences the accumulation of fat and decreases the rate of your metabolism. To simplify, it influences the process of converting stored energy into working energy.
When this occurs your fat cells are producing estrogen which makes your body work harder in order to be able to convert calories into fat that will result with increased estrogenic level. These fat cells are not able to burn fat the same way your muscles do, and as a result of that it increases your weight.

2. Progesterone
The menopause and water retention occur simultaneously because there is decrease of the level of progesterone. The decrease of the level of progesterone also leads to bloating.
You should know that this does not result in weight gain, even though some women are feeling heavier. This is due to the water retention and bloating which disappears in few months.

3. Testosterone
Testosterone is important hormone that helps your body convert calories into muscle mass. Once the level of testosterone drops, the muscle mass will drop as well and will decrease your metabolism. Slowed down metabolism also results with slowed down process of burning calories.
The influence of reduced hormonal factors does not always mean it is the main cause for gaining weight. There are many other factors that contribute to the process of gain weight.

Here are three factors that influence the process of gaining weight:

1. Decrease muscle mass
Your muscle mass decrease after age of 40 and it continues this downhill course throughout the old age. Each woman that is not active could lose 3-5% of their muscle mass after the age of 30. The process of muscle loss is directly correlated with the weight gain, especially in the abdomen area.

2. Genetic factors
Genetics play important part in the process of menopause weight gain. Those women that have family history of obesity are more prone to gain weight in the phase of menopause.

3. Lifestyle habits
If you want to maintain ideal figure and weight you should consider consuming healthy diet and healthy lifestyle which includes exercising. If you don’t hold onto these healthy habits it is most certain that you might cause disorder of your metabolic system. If you are consuming unhealthy diets or having irregular sleep, you are contributing the process of weight gain during the menopause period.

Here is a list of five weight loss basics
It is easy to say eat healthy and exercise regularly in order to maintain your healthy weight, but you should know that hormones play big role in this process of gaining weights during menopause. You should consider following these weight loss basics.

1. Exercise
Exercising regularly has many health benefits for every person. One of the good exercises practices is the aerobic activities that can help you get rid of extra pounds.
National Institute of health found that those people who exercise aerobic has managed to decrease their waistline for six inches in comparison to those who do not exercise.

Also you should consider exercising strength trainings in order to prevent losing muscle mass and osteoporosis. On the other hand it also helps you improve your metabolism. You should consider doing strength trainings at least twice per week.
These physical activities are also important for improving your overall mental and physical health. We are strongly recommending you to use professional trainer and medical advice before you start exercising.

2. Healthy and balanced diet
Consuming healthy and balanced diet will help your body in every possible way. It contributes to the improvement of the immune system and prevents any cardiovascular problems, diabetes or even cancer. You should also take care of the intake of calories during the day.
Mayo clinic suggests that you should consume 200 calories less at age of 50s compared to your 30s or 40s.
Menopausal symptoms are eased with healthy diet or at least they can reduce. The British Nutrition Foundation proved that menopausal symptoms differ from countries at the East and the West due to the different eating and dietary habits.

Healthy diet can also improve some uncomfortable symptoms that are caused by menopause, so you should seriously consider organizing your nutritional elements.

Here are some simple rules that you should follow:

– Consume food in small portions and do not skip meals. Consider consuming food that contains fewer calories.
– Consume whole grain, fruits and vegetables in your diet. You may also include low-fat dairy products. You have to consume this type of foods in order to boost your immune system.
– Do not use sugar or any other processed or refined foods. Please make sure to consume healthy food that will contain enough nutrients in order to keep you healthy during the period of menopause.
– You should start writing food diary where you will manage the caloric intake. Consider starting to practice mindful eating and plan your meals ahead. When you cook your food please make sure you use healthy methods.
– Try to change your lifestyle routines in order to prevent weight gain

Five year study has found that healthy long-term diet and physical activity interventions have resulted with decrease of weight gain of women during the process of menopause.

3. Stress control

During menopause the high level of stress hormones is the main contributor to the process of gaining weight. Almost in all cases stress leads to gaining weights because it triggers the process of storing extra calories. Also it leads to improper function of your metabolic system.

It is important to remember that during the menopause period you should find a way to manage your stress level by using stress relieve exercises and techniques. This way you will prevent weight gain and will manage to keep your overall health in great condition.
Consider trying yoga, meditation or simply spend time alone. You may also try to find or do your hobby, and have good night sleep.

4. Check your health regularly

In order to prevent any thyroid and other metabolic disorders you should consider checking your health regularly. This way you will also be able to detect such problems that will allow you to react fast. Consider that these diseases might be hidden factors for the cause of gaining weight.

5. Ask for support

Do not hesitate to ask for support from your friends or family. When you do your exercises or walks, consider calling a partner that will join you. Always try to be in company with your loved ones, people that motivate your and encourage you to maintain the healthy lifestyle and healthy diet.

Try these changes that we presented to you and in case you still feel uncomfortable please do not hesitate to seek professional help. These are tips that can ease the phase of menopause but also decrease the weight gain.


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