How To Get Rid Of Plaque and Whiten Your Teeth Without Expensive Treatments

The formation of plaque on the teeth can cause serious health problems due to the bacteria found in it. If you leave the plaque untreated it will harden up and transform into tartar. This might lead to gingivitis and inflammation of the gum.

In fact you can use many different natural remedies which can help you prevent formation of plaque. In this article we are going to present to you the best natural remedy that can give you really quick results and prevent formation of plaque on long term.

One of the main ingredients of this remedy is coconut oil. This essential oil is packed with nutrients and health benefits which are also great for the oral health. It is also great for preventing dental issues and can provide you benefits that help whiten your teeth.

Another important ingredient in this remedy is baking soda which helps you eliminate plaque and whiten your teeth. Baking soda is great for regulating the pH level which is important for preventing oral cavity.

Here is how to prepare this natural paste that will help you prevent formation of plaque

1. Coconut oil – 2 tablespoons
2. Baking soda – 2 tablespoons
3. Essential oil (your choice) – few drops

You will need to mix the ingredients in a bowl. Make sure that you mix it until you get homogenous paste. Apply this mixture on your toothbrush and brush the teeth at least twice per day.

You may also use these natural and effective recipes which can help you remove plaque. Use these methods at least once per week, maximum twice.
– You should mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of salt. Use this mixture to brush your teeth.
– Mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda until you get fine paste. Use this paste for brushing your teeth and make sure after you are done to rinse the mouth with water.
– Add only baking soda on the toothbrush and brush the teeth.

One of the best potent natural ingredients that can help you whiten your teeth is coconut oil. This ingredient contains lots of medium chain fatty acids which act as strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents. Also it contains lauric acid which is great for eliminating plaque and bacteria from the mouth.

The Journal of Medicine published a study that was conducted in 2015 which revealed that people that have been using coconut oil for at least 7 days resulted with decreased gum diseases and plaque level. The study was conducted over 60 participants aged 16 and 18 years old.

Here is how to use this method:

You should put 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in the mouth and hold it for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards you should spit it out because it will contain bacteria that were absorbed from the gums and teeth.

Wash your mouth with warm water and brush the teeth with your regular toothpaste. Use this method at least once per day until you notice improvement and your teeth become whiten.

Feel free to add coconut oil on your toothbrush and brush the teeth gently. You will notice the first compliments of people in very short period of time.



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