Did you know that tattoo ink contains cancer chemicals up to 84%? This is what you need to know

2016 Harris Poll shows that almost every second person of the population in the US aged between 18 and 35 has tattoo. The poll also shows that almost every fourth person regrets it. In numbers this mean that at least 60 million people belong in this age group meaning that at least 7.5 million people actually regrets their tattoos.

Let’s be real, this is a really high number of people who regrets it, and it is important that people are aware of all the risks over their health they get once tattooed. There a numerous reports that show that ink causes serious complications such as burns, skin irritations, infections, toxins in the body and much more.

You should also know that the ink goes deeper than just your skin. This is found in a research from 2012 made by Danish Environment Protection Agency. They also found that some inks are toxic and they might even cause cancer due to their chemicals. The study proved that every fifth tattoo ink is rich with carcinogenic chemicals which are not in accordance with the health standards set for healthy standards of the ink. This study also proved shocking 84$ of the black ink tested, contains carcinogenic chemicals.

Also another research done by the European Society of Tattoo and Pigment Research found that there are actually lots of toxic components in the tattoo inks. Some of the toxins found were copper, barium and mercury. This is what the Food and Drug Administration had to say about the tattoo inks:

“Many pigments used in tattoo inks are industrial-grade colors suitable for printers’ ink or automobile paint.”

On the other hand tattoo ink has led to medical treatments since it is metal based and it disturbs the magnetic resonance image taken. It is very uncommon to have any reaction, but there are some cases where people get burns as a result of the iron content in the tattoo.

Pathologists are suggesting that tattoo ink is found in the biopsy specimens of lymph nodes. Report of a research conducted in 2015 showed that cancer on her cervix actually spread in lymph nodes. But further analysis showed that actually what was believed to be cancer cells turned out it is tattoo ink.
Tattoo ink also causes lots of infections such as staphylococcus aureus. This is the most common infection that you might get. If this infection is not treated seriously it might cause great life threatening situations.

Tulane University School of Medicine conducted a research in 2015 and found that at least 3.5% of tattoos are actually infected and that at least 4.5% in tattooed persons have persistent pain that lasts for more than a month. Furthermore, 24% of people with tattoo have for couple of months persistent itching that spread around on the healthy skin.

After a thoroughly conducting investigation and tracking due to the high amount of people reporting mycobacterial skin infection, it was found that this was caused by e new ink in five states. Also it is found that there is constant rise on skin diseases and disorders such as lichen planis, lupus and sarcoidosis.

Hapatology reports the following:
“Tattoo exposure is associated with HCV (hepatitis C virus) infection, even among those without traditional risk factors. All patients who have tattoos should be considered at higher risk for HCV infection and should be offered HCV counseling and testing.”

It is also important to mention that you may get infected with hepatitis due to the needles used by the artists. The American Red Cross has decided to ban people with new tattoos to donate blood due to the high risk of infection they might have get.

Many young people are not aware of the implication a tattoo can have over their health once they become adult. This is what Eric Madfis and Tammi Arford had to say about this: “Symbols are dynamic in that they are time-specific, ever-changing, and always in a state of gradual transition.”

Andrew Timmings from the University of St. Andrews in the UK has clarified that “emotional response in the beholder” of a tattoo is unknown and unpredictable, and it can be based on “social stratification”. It is proven that tattoos might get you fired or lower your chances of getting the desired job, according to managers who took part in the interviews.

Harris Poll research also shows no tolerance towards tattoos by elderly people and also this tolerance decreases once people from the public life are involved or people from schools.

Those people who work in the higher learning institutions are more likely to regret their decision at early age. As a result of this regret of getting tattoos at early age, new business opportunities have developed such as laser removal tattoos that are extremely painful.

Please take into account that there are tattoos that cannot be removed. This is due to the different colors of ink used for making your tattoo. If your skin is with darker pigment you will most probably need to go over couple of sessions if you want to remove the tattoo. This process is also problematic because it shutters your pigments under skin and can cause infections.

If you have large tattoo it is most probably you will need at least one year to get it removed, but also remember that this could also lead to lots of pain, scars, blisters and so on.

source http://besthealthyguide.com

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