Look younger with use of Walnuts and prevent aging

One of the best anti-aging foods is walnuts! They contain numerous health benefits for your health. Also they are extremely powerful because they can act on their own without needing special diets. The only thing you need to do is consume an ounce of walnuts per day (7 shelled walnuts) in order to get the needed health benefits.

Here is why walnuts are considered as an anti-aging super food

Walnuts are rich with vitamin E, melatonin, flavonoids and ellagic which are great anti-oxidant properties. These properties can actually help you detoxify your body, clean your skin and prevent chronic diseases. The Food and Function journal published research study which included examining 9 types of raw and roasted nuts and two types of peanut butter, and their antioxidant properties. The results were in fact all in favor of walnuts, making them number one in regards to antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants act as prevention on damage made by free radicals by simply destroying their unstable molecules which cause harm to the body cells. If you consume walnuts on daily basis you will manage to prevent development of aging-related diseases such as Alzheimer, arthritis and heart diseases. Also walnuts can prevent diabetes and cancer.

You can have numerous other benefits if you consume walnuts on daily basis. Some of these benefits are the following:

1. Skin benefits
This ingredient is great for your skin because it is strong antioxidant that can help you get rid of the free radicals in your body. If you are exposed to sun, cigarette smoke, unhealthy foods and pollution it is most certain that it will cause buildup of free radicals which can break the structure of proteins what is needed for the skin, such as collagen.

If you have low level of collagen it will lead to wrinkles and appearance of fine lines. Also walnuts are great for you if you want to look younger, you just need to consume them on daily basis.

2. Anti-inflammatory agent
Walnuts and walnut oil can act as strong anti-inflammation agents that can prevent various conditions. Also they are great for improvement of your immune system due to the high amount of omega-3 fatty acids they contain. Other conditions that can be prevented are asthma, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.

3. Boost your brain
Due to the omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidant properties, the use of walnuts can help you improve the function of your brain. In case you feel a bit slow and need to get back to work, you should eat walnuts and you will feel the boost of your brain immediately.

Also you should know that walnuts actually can help you improve your sleep quality due to the high amount of melatonin it contains. Proper sleep definitely helps you fight against aging, so you should definitely consume walnuts on daily basis.

source https://www.healthandlovepage.com

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