Lose Weight Fast by Pressing These 4 Points on Your Body

Acupuncture and acupressure are methods that have been helping people to deal with health issues for thousands of years. Now we will reveal you 4 significant points of your body – if you press them, you will lose weight very fast.

Acupressure is not a lie or something indefinite, but it is a complicated medical procedure.

To explain in summary, the point about this method is that every organ of your body, openly utilizing the energy channels, is related with concrete points on the body. In case that you wish to make better the functioning of certain internal organs, it is essential to detect their precise point, and correspondingly massage it.

In case that you go after these order, your metabolism will get faster, as a consequence, you will become very full of life during the day, and the extra fat will start to reduce bit by bit, because it will end its buildup.

You will begin to manage your craving and make a totaly new, healthy way of living.

Here are the points that would aid you get rid of extra weight:
1. Еar

If you massage this point of your body, you will boost the metabolism, which leads to faster weight loss in all parts of the body. The massage should be made with the thumb and it should last for 3 minutes, 3 times a day. Use smooth and constant pressure on the ear.

2. Face

There is a point is located just amid the nose and upper lip. It is needed to massage this point 2 times a day for 5 minutes and this massage helps in dealing with hunger and anxiety. In case that you eat too much for the period of stress, in that case this method is ideal for you!

3. Arm

This point is actually a main point of the body by reason that each part of your inner energy goes through it. By giving a massage to this point, you are freeing the body of extra body heat and it is a factor for improving the work of the intestine. This point should be massaged 2-3 times a day for one minute.

4. Leg

This is a point that is mainly utilized in acupressure and it’s called Zu San Li. This point improves digestion and helps suppressing some inflammatory processes in the body. Also known as the point of longevity or point against hundreds of illnesses, this important point is located under the knee cup.
In order to find the location of this point more precisely, conceal the knee using your palm. In case that you select your left leg, utilize your left hand, and the other way around. The point is located between the end of the little finger and the ring finger, in the outline of lower recess amid the bones.
Do the massage of this point in the evening. That way you are supposed to lose up to a pound in one week.
The place has to be massaged clockwise 9 times on each leg, 10 minutes all in all (5 minutes for each leg). However, do not perform the massage just before you go to bed, by reason that it could be a reason of insomnia.
At some point of the pressure, you will feel weak soreness, even pain, but have in mind that it is how it should be, or else you will not get the wanted outcome.

source http://www.healthyfoodteam.com

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