How to Prepare Properly The Cinnamon Tea To Lose weight Quickly and Enjoy the Flavor

We all know that there is not such a thing like perfect diet. However, there is something that is actually close to the perfect diet and that is the cinnamon tea.
As a matter of fact, this tea is called “the perfect diet,” so continue reading and you will find out why.

Cinnamon is a spice that helps the weight loss, avoiding crazy diets or spending numerous hours in the gym. With those too demanding issues we usually fall back into excess weight.

This beneficial spice is actually perfect for burning the stubborn fat around your hips and waist. These benefits are complemented with lots other health benefits. The list includes boosting the metabolism, balancing the glycemic index and keeping it to normal rates, cleaning the intestines. Cinnamon also has an influence on high cholesterol levels.

And since big part of the healthy teas has strange taste, besides it healthy properties, the cinnamon tea is delicious.

Take pleasure in this amazing drink!

Needed ingredients:
– one liter of water
– one cinnamon stick or 5 tbsp-s cinnamon powder
– Honey

How to prepare the drink:
Initially boil the water for two minutes and remove it from the fire. Add the cinnamon stick or the cinnamon powder and leave it like that for ten minutes. Cover the lid in order to keep its flavor and aroma.

Consume three cups a day. It is suggested to take it in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. The tea could be consumed cold or hot. You could also add some honey to taste.

Safety Issues: it is recommended pregnant or breastfeeding women or people that suffer from stomach ulcers not to take this drink.


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